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== Year 2015 ==
==Year 2023==
Yinan Fang, Seungju Han, Stefano Chesi and [[Choi, Mahn-Soo|Mahn-Soo Choi]],
<I>[ Physical Review B <b>107 (11)</b>, 115114 (7 Mar 2023)]</I>.
"Subgap modes in two-dimensional magnetic Josephson junctions"
[[ arXiv:2210.04558]]
<small>[QWC-2022; NRF-2023a; BK21Plus]</small>
Yongsu Kwak, Woojoo Han, Nam-Hee Kim, Myung-Ho Bae, [[Choi, Mahn-Soo|Mahn-Soo Choi]], Myung-Hwa Jung, Yong-Joo Doh, Joon Sung Lee, Jonghyun Song, Jinhee Kim,
<I>[ Current Applied Physics <b>53</b>, 104 (Sep 2023)]</I>.
"Hysteretic magnetoresistance in superconducting SrTiO<sub>3</sub>/LaAlO<sub>3</sub>/SrTiO<sub>3</sub> trilayer interface system"
<small>[QWC-2022; NRF-2023a; BK21Plus]</small>
==Year 2022==
[[Choi, Mahn-Soo|Mahn-Soo Choi]], <I>[ Scientific Reports <b>12</b>, 10983 (29 June 2022)]</I>.
"Single-Qubit Reaped Quantum State Tomography"
[[ arXiv:2206.09562]]
<small>[NRF-2017b; Quantum Workforce; BK21Plus]</small>
D. Chen, S. Luo, Y.-D. Wang, S. Chesi, and [[Choi, Mahn-Soo|Mahn-Soo Choi]],
<I>[ Physical Review A <b>105 (2)</b>, 022627 (28 Feb 2022)]</I>.
"Geometric Manipulation of a Decoherence-Free Subspace in Atomic Ensembles"
[[ arXiv:2103.07907]]
<small>[BRL-2018; NRF-2017b; BK21Plus]</small>
==Year 2021==
<li> Yinan Fang, Stefano Chesi, and [[Choi, Mahn-Soo|Mahn-Soo Choi]], <I>[ Physical Review B <b>104 (19)</b>, 195122 (12 Nov 2021)]</I>.
"Probing Kondo spin fluctuations with scanning tunneling microscopy and electron spin resonance"
[[ arXiv:2108.11243]]
<small>[BRL-2018; NRF-2017b; BK21Plus]</small>
<li> Xuan-Hoai Thi Nguyen and [[Choi, Mahn-Soo|Mahn-Soo Choi]], <i>[ Quantum Information Processing <b>20</b>, 221 (1 July 2021)]</i>.
"Ultimate precision of direct tomography of wave functions"
[[ arXiv:1911.07674]]
<small>[BRL-2018; NRF-2017b; BK21Plus]</small>
<li> Yongsu Kwak, Woojoo Han, Thach D. N. Ngo, Dorj Odkhuu, Young Heon Kim, Sonny H. Rhim, [[Choi, Mahn-Soo|Mahn-Soo Choi]], Yong-Joo Doh, Joon Sung Lee, Jonghyun Song, and Jinhee Kim, <i>[ Applied Surface Science <b>565</b>, 150495 (30 June 2021)]</i>. "Non-BCS-type superconductivity and critical thickness of SrTiO3/LaAlO3/SrTiO3 trilayer interface system"
<small>[BRL-2018; NRF-2017b; BK21Plus]</small>
<li> Yang, Hyunsoo; [[Choi, Mahn-Soo]]; Ilnicki,Grzegorz; Martinek,Jan; Yang,See-Hun; and Parkin,Stuart,
<i>[ Applied Physics Letters <b>118 (15)</b>, 152407 (15 April 2021)]</i>.
"Interplay between superconductivity and the Kondo effect on magnetic nanodots"
<small>[BRL-2018; NRF-2017b; BK21Plus]</small>
==Year 2020==
<li> [[Choi, Mahn-Soo|Mahn-Soo Choi]], <i>[ Advanced Quantum Technologies <b>3 (12)</b>, 2000085 (09 Nov 2020)]</i>. "Exotic Quantum States of Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics in the Ultra-Strong Coupling Regime"
<small>[BRL-2018; NRF-2017b; BK21Plus]</small>
<li> Nam, Ji-Yeon; Kim, Seung; Nguyen, Hien Thi Minh; Chen, Xiang-Bai; [[Choi, Mahn-Soo]]; Lee, Daesu; Noh, T.W.; and Yang, In-Sang; <i>[ Journal of Raman Spectroscopy <b>51 (11)</b>, 2298 (13 Aug 2020)]</i>. "Localized spin-flip excitations in hexagonal HoMnO<sub>3</sub>"
<small>[BRL-2018; NRF-2017b; BK21Plus]</small>

<li> Seungju Han, Llorens Serra, and Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, to appear in <i>Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (2015)</i>. "Negative Tunneling Magneto-Resistance in Quantum Wires with Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling"
==Year 2019==
<li> Min Hui Chang, Yun Hee Chang, Na-Young Kim, Howon Kim, Soon-Hyeong Lee, [[Mahn-Soo Choi]], Yong-Hyun Kim, and [ Se-Jong Kahng], <i>[ Phys. Rev. B <b>100</b>, 245406 (6 Dec 2019)]</i>. "Tuning and sensing spin interactions in Co-porphyrin/Au with NH<sub>3</sub> and NO<sub>2</sub> binding"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS19b.pdf|PDF (1.6 MB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<small>[BRL-2018; NRF-2017b; BK21Plus]</small>
<li> Minchul Lee and [[Mahn-Soo Choi]], <i>[ Phys. Rev. B <b>99</b>, 075161 (28 February 2019)]</i>. "Mixed-Valence Transition on a Quantum-Dot Coupled to Superconducting and Spin-Polarized Leads"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS19a.pdf|PDF (1 MB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ arXiv:1808.06869]]
<small>[BRL-2018; NRF-2017b; BK21Plus]</small>
==Year 2017 and Before==
<li> M. M. Desjardins, J. J. Viennot, M. C Dartiailh, L. E. Bruhat, M. R. Delbecq, M. Lee, [[Mahn-Soo Choi]], A. Cottet and T. Kontos, <i>[ Nature <b>545</b>, 71 (4 May 2017)]</i>. "Observation of the frozen charge of a Kondo resonance"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS17c.pdf|PDF (8.6 MB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<small>[NRF-2015a; BK21Plus]</small>
<li> Oscar Dahlsten, [[Mahn-Soo Choi]], Daniel Braun, Andrew J. P.  Garner, Nicole Yunger Halpern, and Vlatko Vedral,
<i>[ New J. Phys.  <b>19</b>, 043013 (10 April 2017)]</i>. "Entropic equality for worst-case work at any protocol speed"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS17b.pdf|PDF (1 MB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ arXiv:1504.05152]]
<small>[NRF-2015a; BK21Plus]</small>
Heonhwa Choi, Yun Won Kim, Soon-Gul Lee, [[Mahn-Soo Choi]], Min-Seok Kim, and Jae-Hyuk Choi,<sup>&dagger;</sup>
<i>[ Phys. Rev. B <b>95 (6)</b>, 064505 (Feb 2017)]</i>
"Cantilever torque magnetometry of a lithographically defined superconducting ring"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS17a.pdf|PDF (643 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ arXiv:1701.07598]]
<small>[NRF-2015a; BK21Plus]</small>
<li> Danh-Tai Hoang, B. Prasanna Venkatesh, Seungju Han, Junghyo Jo, Gentaro Watanabe, and [[Mahn-Soo Choi]],<sup>&dagger;</sup>
<i>[ Scientific Reports <b>6</b>, 27603 (Jun 2016)]</i>.
"Scaling Law for Irreversible Entropy Production in Critical Systems"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS16d.pdf|PDF (1.2 MB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ arXiv:1508.02444]]
<small>[NRF-2015a; BK21Plus]</small>
Minchul Lee, Seungju Han, and Mahn-Soo Choi,<sup>&dagger;</sup>
<i>[ New Journal of Physics <b>18 (6)</b>, 063004 (4 June 2016)]</i>.
"Spatiotemporal evolution of topological order upon quantum quench across the critical point"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS16c.pdf|PDF (3.9 MB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ arXiv:1603.01834]]
<small>[NRF-2015a; BK21Plus]</small>
Munkhbayar Bat-Erdene, Heejo Lee,<sup>&dagger;</sup> and [[Mahn-Soo Choi]],
<i>[ International Journal of Information Security, 1 (2016)]</i>.
"Entropy Analysis to Classify Unknown Packing Algorithms for Malware Detection"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS16b.pdf|PDF (2.1 MB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<small>[NRF-2015a; BK21Plus]</small>
Myung-Joong Hwang, M. S. Kim, and [[Mahn-Soo Choi]]<sup>&dagger;</sup>, <i>[ Physical Review Letters '''116 (15)''', 153601 (15 April 2016)]</i>.
"Recurrent Delocalization and Quasiequilibration of Photons in Coupled Systems in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS16a.pdf|PDF (565 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ arXiv:1602.06145]]
<small>[NRF-2015a; BK21Plus]</small>
<li> Thach Ngo, Jung-Won Chang, Kyujoon Lee, Seungju Han, Joon Sung Lee, Young Heon Kim, Myung-Hwa Jung, Yong-Joo Doh, Mahn-Soo Choi, Jonghyun Song, and Jinhee Kim, <i>[ Nature Communications <b>6</b>, 1 (13 Aug 2015)]</i>.
"Polarity-tunable magnetic tunnel junctions based on ferromagnetism at oxide heterointerfaces"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS15c.pdf|PDF (1.6 MB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<small>[NRF-2015a; BK21Plus]</small>
Supplementary information available for this article at [ here].
<li> Minchul Lee, Seungju Han, and Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, <i>[ Physical Review B <b>92</b>, 035117 (9 July 2015)]</i>.
"Kibble-Zurek Mechanism in a Topological Phase Transition"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS15b.pdf|PDF (252 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ arXiv:1409.1753]]
<small>[NRF-2015a; BK21Plus]</small>
<li> Seungju Han, Llorens Serra, and Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, <i>[ Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter <b>27 (25)</b>, 255002 (28 May 2015)]</i>. "Negative Tunneling Magneto-Resistance in Quantum Wires with Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS15a.pdf|PDF (547 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ arXiv:1409.6374]]
[[ arXiv:1409.6374]]

Heunghwan Khim, Rosa López, Jong Soo Lim, Minchul Lee, [ <i>The European Physical Journal B <b> 88</b>, 151 (June 2015)</i>].
"Thermoelectric effect in the Kondo dot side-coupled to a Majorana mode".
[[ arXiv:1408.5053]]

==Year 2014==

<li> Minchul Lee and Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, [ <i>Phys Rev Lett <b>113 (7)</b>, 076801 (13 Aug 2014)</i>].
<li> Minchul Lee and Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, [ <i>Phys Rev Lett <b>113 (7)</b>, 076801 (13 Aug 2014)</i>].
"Quantum Resistor-Capacitor Circuit with Majorana Fermion Modes in a Chiral Topological Superconductor"
"Quantum Resistor-Capacitor Circuit with Majorana Fermion Modes in a Chiral Topological Superconductor"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS14c.pdf|PDF (2.1 MB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS14c.pdf|PDF (2.1 MB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ arXiv:1403.6239]]
[[ arXiv:1403.6239]]
[[:file:ChoiMS14c-Suppl.pdf|Supplemental Material]]
[[media:ChoiMS14c-Suppl.pdf|Supplemental Material]]

<li> Mahn-Soo Choi, [ <i>Phys. Rev. B <b>89 (4)</b>, 045137 (29 Jan 2014)</i>].
<li> Mahn-Soo Choi, [ <i>Phys. Rev. B <b>89 (4)</b>, 045137 (29 Jan 2014)</i>].
"Hanbury-Brown and Twiss Correlations of Cooper Pairs in Helical Liquids"
"Hanbury-Brown and Twiss Correlations of Cooper Pairs in Helical Liquids"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS14b.pdf|PDF (310 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS14b.pdf|PDF (310 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ arXiv:1002.3144]]
[[ arXiv:1002.3144]]
<small>[NRF-NAA; BK21Plus; KIAS; APCTP]</small>
<small>[NRF-NAA; BK21Plus; KIAS; APCTP]</small>
Line 26: Line 181:
<li> Minchul Lee, Heunghwan Khim, and Mahn-Soo Choi,<sup>&dagger;</sup> [ <i>Phys. Rev. B <b>89 (3)</b>, 035309 (17 Jan 2014)</i>].
<li> Minchul Lee, Heunghwan Khim, and Mahn-Soo Choi,<sup>&dagger;</sup> [ <i>Phys. Rev. B <b>89 (3)</b>, 035309 (17 Jan 2014)</i>].
"Anomalous crossed Andreev reflection in mesoscopic superconducting ring hosting Majorana fermions"
"Anomalous crossed Andreev reflection in mesoscopic superconducting ring hosting Majorana fermions"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS14a.pdf|PDF (2.1 MB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS14a.pdf|PDF (2.1 MB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ arXiv:1308.1192]]
[[ arXiv:1308.1192]]
<small>[NRF-NAA; BK21Plus; KIAS]</small>
<small>[NRF-NAA; BK21Plus; KIAS]</small>

==Year 2013==

<li> Sunjae Chung, Sangyeop Lee, Taehee Yoo, Hakjoon Lee, J-H
<li> Sunjae Chung, Sangyeop Lee, Taehee Yoo, Hakjoon Lee, J-H
  Chung, M S Choi, Sanghoon Lee, X Liu, J K Furdyna, Jae-Ho Han, Hyun-Woo Lee and Kyung-Jin Lee, [ <i>New J. Phys. <b>15</b>, 123025 (Dec 2013)</i>]. "The critical role of next-nearest-neighbor interlayer interaction in the magnetic behavior of magnetic/non-magnetic multilayers" <nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS13g.pdf|PDF (1.2 MB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
  Chung, M S Choi, Sanghoon Lee, X Liu, J K Furdyna, Jae-Ho Han, Hyun-Woo Lee and Kyung-Jin Lee, [ <i>New J. Phys. <b>15</b>, 123025 (Dec 2013)</i>]. "The critical role of next-nearest-neighbor interlayer interaction in the magnetic behavior of magnetic/non-magnetic multilayers" <nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS13g.pdf|PDF (1.2 MB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<small>[NRF-NAA; NRF-FMSCML]</small>
<small>[NRF-NAA; NRF-FMSCML]</small>

Line 41: Line 194:
[ <i>Phys. Rev. B <b>87 (12)</b>, 125404 (7 Mar 2013)</i>]. "Large-scale maximal entanglement and Majorana bound states in coupled
[ <i>Phys. Rev. B <b>87 (12)</b>, 125404 (7 Mar 2013)</i>]. "Large-scale maximal entanglement and Majorana bound states in coupled
  circuit quantum electrodynamic systems"
  circuit quantum electrodynamic systems"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS13b.pdf|PDF (243 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS13b.pdf|PDF (243 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ arXiv:1207.0088]]
[[ arXiv:1207.0088]]
<small>[NRF-NAA; NRF-FMSCML; KIAS; BK21]</small>
<small>[NRF-NAA; NRF-FMSCML; KIAS; BK21]</small>
Line 49: Line 202:
[ <i>Phys. Rev. Lett.<b>110 (7)</b>, 076803 (13 Feb 2013)</i>].  "Transport Measurement of Andreev Bound States in a Kondo-Correlated
[ <i>Phys. Rev. Lett.<b>110 (7)</b>, 076803 (13 Feb 2013)</i>].  "Transport Measurement of Andreev Bound States in a Kondo-Correlated
  Quantum Dot"
  Quantum Dot"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS13a.pdf|PDF (468 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS13a.pdf|PDF (468 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ arXiv:1209.4738]]
[[ arXiv:1209.4738]]
<small>[NRF-NAA; NRF-FMSCML]</small>
<small>[NRF-NAA; NRF-FMSCML]</small>

<li> Heunghwan Khim, Sun-Yong Hwang, and Minchul Lee, [ <i>Phys. Rev. B <b>87</b>, 115312 (19 March 2013)</i>].
"Mesoscopic charge relaxation in a multilevel quantum dot with spin exchange coupling".

==Year 2011==

<li> Minkyung Jung, Hyunho Noh, Yong-Joo Doh, Woon Song, Yonuk Chong, Mahn-Soo Choi, Youngdong Yoo, Kwanyong Seo, Nam Kim, Byung-Chill Woo, Bongsoo Kim, Jinhee Kim,
<li> Minkyung Jung, Hyunho Noh, Yong-Joo Doh, Woon Song, Yonuk Chong, Mahn-Soo Choi, Youngdong Yoo, Kwanyong Seo, Nam Kim, Byung-Chill Woo, Bongsoo Kim, Jinhee Kim,
[ <i>ACS Nano <b>5 (3)</b>, 2271 (Feb 2011)</i>]
[ <i>ACS Nano <b>5 (3)</b>, 2271 (Feb 2011)</i>]
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS11f.pdf|PDF (2.6 MB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS11f.pdf|PDF (2.6 MB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>

Line 65: Line 220:
[ <i>Phys. Rev. Lett. <b>107 (13)</b>, 136403 (Sep 2011)</i>].  "Interferometric and Noise Signatures of
[ <i>Phys. Rev. Lett. <b>107 (13)</b>, 136403 (Sep 2011)</i>].  "Interferometric and Noise Signatures of
Majorana Fermion Edge States in Transport Experiments"
Majorana Fermion Edge States in Transport Experiments"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS11c.pdf|PDF (152 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS11c.pdf|PDF (152 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ arXiv:1109.0393]]
[[ arXiv:1109.0393]]
<small>[NRF-SSBQO; NRF-NAA; NRF-FMSCML]</small>
<small>[NRF-SSBQO; NRF-NAA; NRF-FMSCML]</small>

<li> Minchul Lee, R. Lopez, Mahn-Soo Choi, T. Jonckheere, and T. Martin,
<li> Minchul Lee, R. Lopez, Mahn-Soo Choi, T. Jonckheere, and T. Martin,
[ <i>Phys. Rev. B <b>83
[ <i>Phys. Rev. B <b>83 (20)</b>, 201304 (2011)</i>].
(20)</b>, 201304 (2011)</i>]. "Many-body Correlation Effect on Mesoscopic
"Many-body Correlation Effect on Mesoscopic Charge Relaxation"
Charge Relaxation" <nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS11b.pdf|PDF (672 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS11b.pdf|PDF (672 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ arXiv:1101.0468]]
[[ arXiv:1101.0468]]
<small>[NRF-SSBQO; NRF-FMSCML]</small>
<small>[NRF-SSBQO; NRF-FMSCML]</small>
Line 78: Line 233:

==Year 2010==

<li> Changliang Ren and Mahn-So Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>,
<li> Changliang Ren and Mahn-So Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>,
[ <i>Phys. Rev. A <b>82
[ <i>Phys. Rev. A <b>82 (5)</b>, 054102 (09 Nov 2010)</i>].  
(5)</b>, 054102 (09 Nov 2010)</i>]. "Local and nonlocal contents in
"Local and nonlocal contents in N-qubit generalized Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states"
N-qubit generalized Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS10e.pdf|PDF (136 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS10e.pdf|PDF (136 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ arXiv:1006.2627]]
[[ arXiv:1006.2627]]
<small>[NRF-SSBQO; BK21; APCTP; KIAS]</small>
<small>[NRF-SSBQO; BK21; APCTP; KIAS]</small>
Line 93: Line 245:
"Variational study of a two-level system coupled to a harmonic oscillator in a
"Variational study of a two-level system coupled to a harmonic oscillator in a
  ultrastrong coupling regime"
  ultrastrong coupling regime"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS10d.pdf|PDF (411 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS10d.pdf|PDF (411 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ arXiv:1006.1989]]
[[ arXiv:1006.1989]]
<small>[NRF-SSBQO; BK21; APCTP; KIAS]</small>
<small>[NRF-SSBQO; BK21; APCTP; KIAS]</small>
Line 99: Line 251:
<li> Rok Zitko, Minchul Lee, Rosa Lopez, Ramon Aguado, and
<li> Rok Zitko, Minchul Lee, Rosa Lopez, Ramon Aguado, and
  Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>,
  Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>,
[ <i>Phys.
[ <i>Phys. Rev. Lett. <b>105 (11)</b>, 116803 (8 Sep 2010)</i>].
Rev. Lett. <b>105 (11)</b>, 116803 (8 Sep 2010)</i>].
"Josephson current in strongly correlated double quantum dots"
"Josephson current in strongly correlated double quantum dots"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS10c.pdf|PDF (248 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS10c.pdf|PDF (248 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ arXiv:1002.3403]]
[[ arXiv:1002.3403]]
<small>[NRF-SSBQO; BK21; APCTP]</small>
<small>[NRF-SSBQO; BK21; APCTP]</small>
Line 109: Line 260:
[ <i>J. Phys.: Condens. Matt. <b>22 (35)</b>, 355301 (10 Aug 2010)</i>].
[ <i>J. Phys.: Condens. Matt. <b>22 (35)</b>, 355301 (10 Aug 2010)</i>].
"Superconducting Qubits Coupled to Torsional Vibrators"
"Superconducting Qubits Coupled to Torsional Vibrators"
[[:file:ChoiMS10b.pdf|PDF (524 kB)]]
[[media:ChoiMS10b.pdf|PDF (524 kB)]]
[[ arXiv:1004.1497]]
[[ arXiv:1004.1497]]
<small>[NRF-SSBQO; BK21; KRISS; APCTP]</small>
<small>[NRF-SSBQO; BK21; KRISS; APCTP]</small>

<li> Minchul Lee, Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, Rosa Lopez, Ramon Aguado,
<li> Minchul Lee, Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, Rosa Lopez, Ramon Aguado, Jan Martinek, and Rok Zitko,
Jan Martinek, and Rok Zitko, <u><i>Phys. Rev. B <b>81</b>, 121311(R)
<i>[ Phys. Rev. B <b>81</b>, 121311(R) (29 Mar 2010)]</i>.
(29 Mar 2010)</i></u>. "Two-impurity Anderson model revisited: Competition
"Two-impurity Anderson model revisited: Competition between Kondo effect and reservoir-mediated superexchange in double quantum dots."
between Kondo effect and reservoir-mediated superexchange in double quantum
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS10a.pdf|PDF (376 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS10a.pdf|PDF (376 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<small>[NRF-SSBQO; BK21; KIAS]</small>
<small>[NRF-SSBQO; BK21; KIAS]</small>
<img src="img/SuggestionGeneric30x30.jpg" align="left
This paper has been selected by the editors of PRB to be an [ Editors' Suggestion].
This paper has been selected by the editors of PRB to be an [ Editors' Suggestion].
==Year 2009==

<li> L. Serra<sup>&dagger;</sup> and M.-S. Choi,
<li> L. Serra<sup>&dagger;</sup> and M.-S. Choi,
<u><i>Eur. Phys. J. B <b>71 (1)</b>, 97-103 (1 Sep 2009)</i></u>.
<u><i>Eur. Phys. J. B <b>71 (1)</b>, 97-103 (1 Sep 2009)</i></u>.
"Conductance of tubular nanowires with disorder".
"Conductance of tubular nanowires with disorder".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS09d.pdf|PDF (632 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS09d.pdf|PDF (632 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>

Line 138: Line 282:
<u><i>Phys. Lett. A <b>373 (36)</b>, 3239-3243 (31 Aug
<u><i>Phys. Lett. A <b>373 (36)</b>, 3239-3243 (31 Aug
2009)</i></u>. "Particle trapping induced by the interplay between coherence
2009)</i></u>. "Particle trapping induced by the interplay between coherence
and decoherence".  <nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS09c.pdf|PDF (192 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
and decoherence".  <nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS09c.pdf|PDF (192 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
Line 144: Line 288:
<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, <u><i>Nature Nanotechnology <b>4
<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, <u><i>Nature Nanotechnology <b>4
   (6)</b>, 347 (25 Jun 2009)</i></u>. "Quantum Dots: When a barrier is not an
   (6)</b>, 347 (25 Jun 2009)</i></u>. "Quantum Dots: When a barrier is not an
   obstacle".  <nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS09b.pdf|PDF (108 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
   obstacle".  <nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS09b.pdf|PDF (108 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<i>This is a News & Views article invited by the editor of Nature
<i>This is a News & Views article invited by the editor of Nature
  Nanotechnology.  It reviews
  Nanotechnology.  It reviews the [ paper by Steele, Gotz, and Kouwenhoven.]</i>
the [ paper by Steele, Gotz,
and Kouwenhoven.]</i>

<li> T. Delattre, C. Feuillet-Palma, L.G. Herrmann, P. Morfin, J.-M. Berroir,
<li> T. Delattre, C. Feuillet-Palma, L.G. Herrmann, P. Morfin, J.-M. Berroir,
   G.  Feve, B. Placais, D. C. Glattli, M.-S. Choi, C. Mora, and
   G.  Feve, B. Placais, D. C. Glattli, M.-S. Choi, C. Mora, and
   T. Kontos<sup>&dagger;</sup>, <u><i>Nature Physics <b>5</b>, 208 (25 Jan 2009)</i></u>. "Noisy Kondo impurities".
   T. Kontos<sup>&dagger;</sup>, <i>[ Nature Physics <b>5</b>, 208 (25 Jan 2009)]</i>. "Noisy Kondo impurities".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS09a.pdf|PDF (448 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS09a.pdf|PDF (448 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<small>[eSSC, BK21]</small>
<small>[eSSC, BK21]</small>
<br>A [ perspective review] of
<br>A [ perspective review] of
this work is also available.
this work is also available.
==Year 2008==

<li> Jong Soo Lim and Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>,
<li> Jong Soo Lim and Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>,
<u><i>J. Phys.: Condens. Matt. <b>20 (41)</b>, 415225 (22 Sep 2008)</i></u>.
<i>[ J. Phys.: Condens. Matt. <b>20 (41)</b>, 415225 (22 Sep 2008)]</i>.
"Andreev Bound States in the Kondo Quantum Dots Coupled to
"Andreev Bound States in the Kondo Quantum Dots Coupled to
Superconducting Leads".
Superconducting Leads".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS08f.pdf|PDF (412 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS08f.pdf|PDF (412 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
Line 178: Line 317:
"Hardy's test versus the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt test of quantum
"Hardy's test versus the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt test of quantum
   nonlocality: Fundamental and practical aspects".
   nonlocality: Fundamental and practical aspects".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS08e.pdf|PDF (784 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS08e.pdf|PDF (784 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ arXiv:0808.0052]]
[[ arXiv:0808.0052]]
<small>[eSSC, KRF-MC2, KRF-PC, BK21, KIAS]</small>
<small>[eSSC, KRF-MC2, KRF-PC, BK21, KIAS]</small>
Line 187: Line 326:
<u><i>Nano Lett. <b>8 (10)</b>, 3189 (04 Sep 2008)</i></u>.
<u><i>Nano Lett. <b>8 (10)</b>, 3189 (04 Sep 2008)</i></u>.
"Quantum interference in radial heterostructure nanowire".
"Quantum interference in radial heterostructure nanowire".

<li> Taeseung Choi and Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>,
<li> Taeseung Choi and Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>,
<u><i>J. Phys.: Condens. Matt. <b>20 (27)</b>, 275242 (13 Jun
<u><i>J. Phys.: Condens. Matt. <b>20 (27)</b>, 275242 (13 Jun
2008)</i></u>. "Quantum Key Distribution Using Quantum Faraday Rotators".
2008)</i></u>. "Quantum Key Distribution Using Quantum Faraday Rotators".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS08c.pdf|PDF (348 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS08c.pdf|PDF (348 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ quant-ph/0612208]]
[[ quant-ph/0612208]]
<small>[eSSC, KRF-MC2, KRF-PC, SWU, KIAS]</small>
<small>[eSSC, KRF-MC2, KRF-PC, SWU, KIAS]</small>
Line 200: Line 339:
2008)</i></u>. "Strongly modulated transmission of a spin-split quantum wire
2008)</i></u>. "Strongly modulated transmission of a spin-split quantum wire
   with local Rashba interaction."
   with local Rashba interaction."
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS08a.pdf|PDF (396 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS08a.pdf|PDF (396 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ arXiv:0706.0107]]
[[ arXiv:0706.0107]]
==Year 2007==

<li> Myung-Joong Hwang, Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, and Rosa
<li> Myung-Joong Hwang, Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, and Rosa
Line 212: Line 348:
"Pair tunneling and shot noise through a single molecule in a strong
"Pair tunneling and shot noise through a single molecule in a strong
electron-phonon coupling regime".
electron-phonon coupling regime".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS07e.pdf|PDF (224 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS07e.pdf|PDF (224 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ cond-mat/0608599]]
[[ cond-mat/0608599]]
<small>[eSSC, KRF-MC2, KRF-PC, BK21]</small>
<small>[eSSC, KRF-MC2, KRF-PC, BK21]</small>
Line 220: Line 356:
<u><i>Phys. Rev. Lett. <b>99 (17)</b>, 176804 (25 Oct 2007)</i></u>.
<u><i>Phys. Rev. Lett. <b>99 (17)</b>, 176804 (25 Oct 2007)</i></u>.
"Eightfold shell filling in a double-wall carbon nanotube quantum dot".
"Eightfold shell filling in a double-wall carbon nanotube quantum dot".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS07d.pdf|PDF (440 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS07d.pdf|PDF (440 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<small>[eSSC, KRF-MC2,BK21]</small><br>
<small>[eSSC, KRF-MC2,BK21]</small><br>
This work has been reviewed in
This work has been reviewed in
Line 229: Line 365:
(16 Feb 2007)</i></u>. "Quantum-based mechanical force realization in
(16 Feb 2007)</i></u>. "Quantum-based mechanical force realization in
piconewton range."
piconewton range."
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS07b.pdf|PDF (180 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS07b.pdf|PDF (180 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ cond-mat/0606022]]
[[ cond-mat/0606022]]
<small>[eSSC, KRF-MC2, KRF-PC]</small>
<small>[eSSC, KRF-MC2, KRF-PC]</small>

<li> Rosa Lopez, Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, and Ramon Aguado,
<li> Rosa Lopez, Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, and Ramon Aguado,
<u><i>Phys. Rev. B <b>75</b>, 045132 (30 Jan 2007)</i></u>.
<i>[ Phys. Rev. B <b>75</b>, 045132 (30 Jan 2007)]</i>.
"Josephson current through a Kondo molecule"
"Josephson current through a Kondo molecule"
[[:file:ChoiMS07a.pdf|PDF (458 kB)]
[[media:ChoiMS07a.pdf|PDF (458 kB)]]
[[ cond-mat/0603652]]
[[ cond-mat/0603652]]
<small>[eSSC, KRF-MC2, SK, KIAS]</small>
<small>[eSSC, KRF-MC2, SK, KIAS]</small>
Line 242: Line 378:
<li> Sang Wook Kim and Mahn-Soo Choi, <u><i>J. Korean Phys. Soc. <b>50</b>,
<li> Sang Wook Kim and Mahn-Soo Choi, <u><i>J. Korean Phys. Soc. <b>50</b>,
337 (15 Jan 2007)</i></u>. "Pumps Operating at the Boundary Between the
337 (15 Jan 2007)</i></u>. "Pumps Operating at the Boundary Between the
Classical and the Quantum Worlds". <nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS07f.pdf|PDF (148 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
Classical and the Quantum Worlds".  
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS07f.pdf|PDF (148 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
==Year 2006==

<li> Audrey Cottet<sup>&dagger;</sup> and Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>,
<li> Audrey Cottet<sup>&dagger;</sup> and Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>,
<u><i>Phys. Rev. B <b>74 (23)</b>, 235316 (13 Dec 2006)</i></u>.
<u><i>Phys. Rev. B <b>74 (23)</b>, 235316 (13 Dec 2006)</i></u>.
"Magnetoresistance of a quantum dot with spin-active interfaces"
"Magnetoresistance of a quantum dot with spin-active interfaces"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS06g.pdf|PDF (672 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS06g.pdf|PDF (672 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ cond-mat/0605264]]
[[ cond-mat/0605264]]
<small>[eSSC, KRF-MC2, SK, NCCR]</small>
<small>[eSSC, KRF-MC2, SK, NCCR]</small>
Line 257: Line 391:
<li> Jong Soo Lim, Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>,
<li> Jong Soo Lim, Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>,
M. Y. Choi, Rosa Lopez, and Ramon Aguado,
M. Y. Choi, Rosa Lopez, and Ramon Aguado,
<u><i>Phys. Rev. B <b>74 (20)</b>, 205119 (27 Nov 2006)</i></u>.
<i>[ Phys. Rev. B <b>74 (20)</b>, 205119 (27 Nov 2006)]</i>.
"Kondo effects in carbon nanotubes: From SU(4) to SU(2) symmetry"
"Kondo effects in carbon nanotubes: From SU(4) to SU(2) symmetry"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS06f.pdf|PDF (890 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS06f.pdf|PDF (890 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ cond-mat/0608110]]
<small>[eSSC, KRF-MC2, BK21, SK-Fund, UIB Spain]</small>
<small>[eSSC, KRF-MC2, BK21, SK-Fund, UIB Spain]</small>
Line 267: Line 400:
Man, Mahn-Soo Choi, Wolfgang Belzig, Christoph Bruder, Alberto
Man, Mahn-Soo Choi, Wolfgang Belzig, Christoph Bruder, Alberto
Morpurgo, and Christian Schoenenberger,
Morpurgo, and Christian Schoenenberger,
<u><i>Semicond. Sci. Technol. <b>21</b>, S78 (17 Oct 2006)</i></u>.
<i>[ Semicond. Sci. Technol. <b>21</b>, S78 (17 Oct 2006)]</i>.
"Nanospintronics with carbon nanotubes"
"Nanospintronics with carbon nanotubes"
(a review article)
(a review article)
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS06d.pdf|PDF (2MB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS06d.pdf|PDF (2MB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<small>[eSSC, KRF-MC2]</small>
<small>[eSSC, KRF-MC2]</small>

Line 278: Line 411:
"Nonequilibrium plasmons and transport
"Nonequilibrium plasmons and transport
properties of a double--junction quantum wire"
properties of a double--junction quantum wire"
[[ cond-mat/0503398]]
<small>[SKORE-A, eSSC, SK-Fund]</small>
<small>[SKORE-A, eSSC, SK-Fund]</small>
<li> Heon Mo Kim, Mahn-Soo Choi, Jinsoo Joo, Sin Je Cho, and Ho Sang Yoon,
<li> Heon Mo Kim, Mahn-Soo Choi, Jinsoo Joo, Sin Je Cho, and Ho Sang Yoon,
<u><i>Phys. Rev. B <b>74</b>, 054202 (03 Aug 2006)</i></u>.
<u><i>Phys. Rev. B <b>74</b>, 054202 (03 Aug 2006)</i></u>.
"Complexity in charge transport for multiwalled carbon nanotube  
"Complexity in charge transport for multiwalled carbon nanotube and poly(methyl methacrylate) composites"
and poly(methyl methacrylate) composites"
[[media:ChoiMS06c.pdf|PDF (1.3MB)]]
[[:file:ChoiMS06c.pdf|PDF (1.3MB)]
<li>Jairo Sinova, Shuichi Murakami, Shun-Qing Shen, and Mahn-Soo
<li>Jairo Sinova, Shuichi Murakami, Shun-Qing Shen, and Mahn-Soo Choi,
Choi, <u><i>Solid State Comm. <b>138 (4)</b>, 214 (01 Apr
<u><i>Solid State Comm. <b>138 (4)</b>, 214 (01 Apr 2006)</i></u>.  
2006)</i></u>. "Spin-Hall effect: Back to the beginning at a higher
"Spin-Hall effect: Back to the beginning at a higher level"
level" <nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS06b.pdf|PDF (64kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS06b.pdf|PDF (64kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<small>[APCTP, NSF]</small>
<small>[APCTP, NSF]</small>

<li> Mahn-Soo Choi,
<li> Mahn-Soo Choi,
<u><i>Int. J. Nanotechnology <b>3 (2/3)</b>, 216 (25 Apr 2006)</i></u>.
<i>[ Int. J. Nanotechnology <b>3 (2/3)</b>, 216 (25 Apr 2006)]</i>.
"Mesoscopic Kondo Effects in Nanoscale Systems."
"Mesoscopic Kondo Effects in Nanoscale Systems."
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS06a.pdf|PDF (1.3MB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS06a.pdf|PDF (1.3MB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ cond-mat/0504015]]
[[ cond-mat/0504015]]
<small>[eSSC, KRF-MC2, SK, KIAS]</small>
<small>[eSSC, KRF-MC2, SK, KIAS]</small>
==Year 2005==

<li> Sang Wook Kim and Mahn-Soo Choi,
<li> Sang Wook Kim and Mahn-Soo Choi,
<u><i>Phys. Rev. Lett. <b>95</b>, 226802 (23 Nov 2005)</i></u>.
<u><i>Phys. Rev. Lett. <b>95</b>, 226802 (23 Nov 2005)</i></u>.
"Decoherence-Driven Quantum Transport."
"Decoherence-Driven Quantum Transport."
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS05g.pdf|PDF (158 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS05g.pdf|PDF (158 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ cond-mat/0504015]]
[[ cond-mat/0504015]]
<small>[eSSC, SKORE-A, SK]</small>
<small>[eSSC, SKORE-A, SK]</small>

<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, Rosa Lopez, and Ramon Aguado,
<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, Rosa Lopez, and Ramon Aguado,
<u><i>Phys. Rev. Lett. <b>95</b>, 067204 (05 Aug 2005)</i></u>.
<i>[ Phys. Rev. Lett. <b>95</b>, 067204 (05 Aug 2005)]</i>.
"SU(4) Kondo Effects in Carbon Nanotubes".
"SU(4) Kondo Effects in Carbon Nanotubes".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS05f.pdf|PDF (680 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS05f.pdf|PDF (680 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ cond-mat/0411665]]
cond-mat/0411665]] <small>[eSSC, SKORE-A]</small>
<small>[eSSC, SKORE-A]</small>

<li> Jaeuk U. Kim, Jari M. Kinaret, and Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>,
<li> Jaeuk U. Kim, Jari M. Kinaret, and Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>,
<u><i>J. Phys.: Condens. Matt. <b>17 (25)</b>, 3815 (10 Jun
<u><i>J. Phys.: Condens. Matt. <b>17 (25)</b>, 3815 (10 Jun2005)</i></u>.
"Shot Noise and Full Counting Statistics from Non-equilibrium Plasmons in Luttinger-Liquid Junctions".
"Shot Noise and Full
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS05e.pdf|PDF (376 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
Counting Statistics from Non-equilibrium Plasmons in
[[ cond-mat/0403613]]
Luttinger-Liquid Junctions".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS05e.pdf|PDF (376 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<small>[eSSC, SKORE-A, SK]</small>
<small>[eSSC, SKORE-A, SK]</small>

Line 338: Line 461:
"Comment on Josephson
"Comment on Josephson
Current through a Nanoscale Magnetic Quantum Dot".
Current through a Nanoscale Magnetic Quantum Dot".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS05d.pdf|PDF (59 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS05d.pdf|PDF (59 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
[[ cond-mat/0410415]]
[[ cond-mat/0410415]]

<li> Minchul Lee and Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>,
<li> Minchul Lee and Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>,
<u><i>Phys. Rev. B <b>71</b>, 153306 (18 Apr 2005)</i></u>.
<u><i>Phys. Rev. B <b>71</b>, 153306 (18 Apr 2005)</i></u>.
"Ballistic spin currents in
"Ballistic spin currents in mesoscopic metal/In(Ga)As/metal junctions".
mesoscopic metal/In(Ga)As/metal junctions".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS05c.pdf|PDF (274 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS05c.pdf|PDF (274 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<small>[eSSC, SKORE-A, SK, KIAS]</small>
<small>[eSSC, SKORE-A, SK, KIAS]</small>

Line 351: Line 473:
Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, Pascal
Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, Pascal
Simon, and Karyn Le Hur,
Simon, and Karyn Le Hur,
<u><i>Phys. Rev. B <b>71</b>, 115312 (18 Mar 2005)</i></u>.
<i>[ Phys. Rev. B <b>71</b>, 115312 (18 Mar 2005)]</i>.
"Probing spin and orbital Kondo effects with a mesoscopic
"Probing spin and orbital Kondo effects with a mesoscopic interferometer".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS05b.pdf|PDF (138 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS05b.pdf|PDF (138 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<small>[eSSC, SKORE-A, SK]</small>
<small>[eSSC, SKORE-A, SK]</small>

Line 360: Line 481:
<u><i>Phys. Rev. B <b>71</b>, 045330 (23 Jan 2005)</i></u>.
<u><i>Phys. Rev. B <b>71</b>, 045330 (23 Jan 2005)</i></u>.
"Anomalous Transmission Phase of a Kondo-Correlated Quantum Dot"
"Anomalous Transmission Phase of a Kondo-Correlated Quantum Dot"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS05a.pdf|PDF (192 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS05a.pdf|PDF (192 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
==Year 2004==
<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, Minchul Lee, Kicheon Kang, and
<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, Minchul Lee, Kicheon Kang, and
Wolfgang Belzig, <u><i>Phys. Rev. B <b>70</b>, R020502 (09 Jul
Wolfgang Belzig, <i>[ Phys. Rev. B <b>70</b>, R020502 (09 Jul 2004)]</i>.
"Kondo Effect and Josephson Current through a Quantum Dot Coupled to
"Kondo Effect and Josephson Current through a Quantum Dot Coupled to
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS04c.pdf|PDF (246 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS04c.pdf|PDF (246 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<small>[eSSC, SKORE-A, NCCR (Basel), Swiss NSF]</small>
<small>[eSSC, SKORE-A, NCCR (Basel), Swiss NSF]</small>

Line 380: Line 496:
"Quantum Dissipative Dynamics of the Magnetic Resonance Force
"Quantum Dissipative Dynamics of the Magnetic Resonance Force
Microscope in the Single-Spin Detection Limit"
Microscope in the Single-Spin Detection Limit"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS04b.pdf|PDF (477 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS04b.pdf|PDF (477 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<small>[eSSC, SKORE-A, NCCR (Basel), Swiss NSF, KRF-QIS]</small>
<small>[eSSC, SKORE-A, NCCR (Basel), Swiss NSF, KRF-QIS]</small>

Line 387: Line 503:
"Kondo effect in a quantum dot coupled to ferromagnetic leads:
"Kondo effect in a quantum dot coupled to ferromagnetic leads:
A numerical renormalization group analysis"
A numerical renormalization group analysis"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS04a.pdf|PDF (390 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS04a.pdf|PDF (390 kB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<small>[eSSC, SKORE-A, Swiss NSF]</small>
<small>[eSSC, SKORE-A, Swiss NSF]</small>
==Year 2003==

<li> H.-S. Sim, M. Kataoka, Hangmo Yi, N. Y. Hwang,
<li> H.-S. Sim, M. Kataoka, Hangmo Yi, N. Y. Hwang,
Line 398: Line 511:
<u><i>Phys. Rev. Lett. <b>91 (26)</b>, 266801 (29 Dec 2003)</i></u>.
<u><i>Phys. Rev. Lett. <b>91 (26)</b>, 266801 (29 Dec 2003)</i></u>.
"Coulomb Blockade and Kondo Effect in a Quantum Hall Antidot"
"Coulomb Blockade and Kondo Effect in a Quantum Hall Antidot"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS03f.pdf|PDF (143 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS03f.pdf|PDF (143 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<small>[eSSC; SKORE-A]</small>
<small>[eSSC; SKORE-A]</small>
<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>,
<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>,
Line 405: Line 519:
7823 (07 Nov 2003)</i></u>.
7823 (07 Nov 2003)</i></u>.
"Geometric Quantum Compuation on Solid-State Qubits"
"Geometric Quantum Compuation on Solid-State Qubits"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS03e.pdf|PDF (154 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS03e.pdf|PDF (154 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<small>[eSSC; SKORE-A; Korea Univ]</small>
<small>[eSSC; SKORE-A; Korea Univ]</small>

<li> Minchul Lee, Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, and M. Y. Choi,
<li> Minchul Lee, Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, and M. Y. Choi,
Line 412: Line 527:
"Quantum Phase Transitions and Persistent Currents in
"Quantum Phase Transitions and Persistent Currents in
Josephson-Junction Ladders"
Josephson-Junction Ladders"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS03d.pdf|PDF (155 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS03d.pdf|PDF (155 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, Nak Yeon Hwang, and S.-R. Eric Yang,
<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, Nak Yeon Hwang, and S.-R. Eric Yang,
<u><i>Phys. Rev. B <b>67</b>, 245323 (26 Jun 2003)</i></u>.
<u><i>Phys. Rev. B <b>67</b>, 245323 (26 Jun 2003)</i></u>.
"Kondo Effect of Quantum Dots in the Quantum Hall Regime"
"Kondo Effect of Quantum Dots in the Quantum Hall Regime"
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS03c.pdf|PDF (198 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS03c.pdf|PDF (198 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<small>[eSSC; SKORE-A; Korea Univ]</small>
<small>[eSSC; SKORE-A; Korea Univ]</small>

<li> Hangmo Yi and Mahn-Soo Choi,
<li> Hangmo Yi and Mahn-Soo Choi,
Line 426: Line 543:
(published 23 May 2003)
(published 23 May 2003)
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS03b.pdf|PDF (60 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS03b.pdf|PDF (60 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>

<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, F. Plastina, R. Fazio,
<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, F. Plastina, R. Fazio,
Line 433: Line 551:
"Charge and current fluctuations in a superconducting single
"Charge and current fluctuations in a superconducting single
electron transistor near a Cooper pair resonance".
electron transistor near a Cooper pair resonance".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS03a.pdf|PDF (520 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS03a.pdf|PDF (520 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
==Year 2001==

<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>,
<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>,
Line 444: Line 559:
"Solid-state implementation of quantum teleportation and
"Solid-state implementation of quantum teleportation and
quantum dense coding".
quantum dense coding".
[[:file:ChoiMS01e.pdf|PDF (56 KB)]]
[[media:ChoiMS01e.pdf|PDF (56 KB)]]

<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, F. Plastina, and R. Fazio,
<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, F. Plastina, and R. Fazio,
<u><i>Phys. Rev. Lett. <b>87 (11)</b>, 116 601 (2001)</i></u>.
<u><i>Phys. Rev. Lett. <b>87 (11)</b>, 116 601 (2001)</i></u>.
"Shot Noise for Resonant Cooper Pair Tunneling".
"Shot Noise for Resonant Cooper Pair Tunneling".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS01d.pdf|PDF (114 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS01d.pdf|PDF (114 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>

<li> Beom Jun Kim, Mahn-Soo Choi, Peter Minnhagen,
<li> Beom Jun Kim, Mahn-Soo Choi, Peter Minnhagen,
Line 456: Line 573:
"Spatiotemporal stochastic resonance in fully frustrated Josephson
"Spatiotemporal stochastic resonance in fully frustrated Josephson
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS01c.pdf|PDF (127 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS01c.pdf|PDF (127 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>

<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, T. I. Um, and M. Y. Choi,
<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, T. I. Um, and M. Y. Choi,
<u><i>J. Korean Phys. Soc. <b>38 (2)</b>, 129 (2001)</i></u>.
<u><i>J. Korean Phys. Soc. <b>38 (2)</b>, 129 (2001)</i></u>.
"Semiclassical Fluctuations in the Quantum Phase Model".
"Semiclassical Fluctuations in the Quantum Phase Model".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS01b.pdf|PDF (184 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS01b.pdf|PDF (184 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>

<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>,
<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>,
Line 467: Line 586:
<u><i>Europhys. Lett. <b>53 (2)</b>, 251 (2001)</i></u>.
<u><i>Europhys. Lett. <b>53 (2)</b>, 251 (2001)</i></u>.
"Coherent oscillations in a Cooper-pair box".
"Coherent oscillations in a Cooper-pair box".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS01a.pdf|PDF (597 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS01a.pdf|PDF (597 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
==Year 2000==

<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, Bruder, and Daniel Loss,
<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, Bruder, and Daniel Loss,
Line 476: Line 593:
"Spin-Dependent Josephson Current through Double Quantum Dots and
"Spin-Dependent Josephson Current through Double Quantum Dots and
Measurement of Entangled Electron States".
Measurement of Entangled Electron States".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS00c.pdf|PDF (72 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS00c.pdf|PDF (72 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>

<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup> and C. Bruder,
<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup> and C. Bruder,
<u><i>Europhys. Lett. <b>50 (5)</b>, 642 (2000)</i></u>.
<u><i>Europhys. Lett. <b>50 (5)</b>, 642 (2000)</i></u>.
"Anderson-type model for a molecule adsorbed on a metal surface".
"Anderson-type model for a molecule adsorbed on a metal surface".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS00b.pdf|PDF (183 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS00b.pdf|PDF (183 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>

<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, M. Y. Choi, Sung-Ik Lee,
<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, M. Y. Choi, Sung-Ik Lee,
Line 487: Line 606:
"Capacitively coupled Josephson-junction chains: straight
"Capacitively coupled Josephson-junction chains: straight
versus slanted coupling".
versus slanted coupling".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS00a.pdf|PDF (273 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS00a.pdf|PDF (273 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
==Before 2000==

<li> Minchul Lee, Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, and M. Y. Choi,
<li> Minchul Lee, Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, and M. Y. Choi,
Line 497: Line 613:
"Charge frustration effects in capacitively coupled two-dimensional
"Charge frustration effects in capacitively coupled two-dimensional
Josephson-junction arrays".
Josephson-junction arrays".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS99a.pdf|PDF (115 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS99a.pdf|PDF (115 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>

Line 505: Line 621:
"Cotunneling Transport and Quantum Phase Transitions in Coupled
"Cotunneling Transport and Quantum Phase Transitions in Coupled
Josephson-Junction Chains with Charge Frustration".
Josephson-Junction Chains with Charge Frustration".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS98f.pdf|PDF (138 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>&nbsp;
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS98f.pdf|PDF (138 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>&nbsp;
This theoretical work is now in the course of experimental
This theoretical work is now in the course of experimental
realization by a group of Chalmers Univesity of Technology, Sweden
realization by a group of Chalmers Univesity of Technology, Sweden
(H. Shimada and P. Delsing, <u><i>Phys. Rev. Lett.
(H. Shimada and P. Delsing, <u><i>Phys. Rev. Lett.
<b>85</b>, 3253 (2000)</i></u> and private communication).
<b>85</b>, 3253 (2000)</i></u> and private communication).

<li> Beom Jun Kim, Gun Sang Jeon, Mahn-Soo Choi, and M. Y. Choi,
<li> Beom Jun Kim, Gun Sang Jeon, Mahn-Soo Choi, and M. Y. Choi,
Line 515: Line 632:
"Quantum phase transition in superconducting arrays under
"Quantum phase transition in superconducting arrays under
external magnetic fields".
external magnetic fields".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS98e.pdf|PDF (258 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS98e.pdf|PDF (258 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>

<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>,
<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>,
Line 522: Line 640:
"Quantum Phase Transitions and Current Drag Effects in Capacitively
"Quantum Phase Transitions and Current Drag Effects in Capacitively
Coupled Two-Dimensional Josephson-Junction Arrays".
Coupled Two-Dimensional Josephson-Junction Arrays".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS98d.pdf|PDF (130 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS98d.pdf|PDF (130 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>

<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, M. Y. Choi, and S.-I. Lee,
<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, M. Y. Choi, and S.-I. Lee,
Line 528: Line 647:
"Current responses and voltage fluctuations in  
"Current responses and voltage fluctuations in  
Josephson-junction systems".
Josephson-junction systems".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS98c.pdf|PDF (251 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS98c.pdf|PDF (251 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>

<li> M.-S. Choi, J. Yi, M. Y. Choi, J. Choi, and S.-I. Lee,
<li> M.-S. Choi, J. Yi, M. Y. Choi, J. Choi, and S.-I. Lee,
<u><i>Phys. Rev. B <b>57 (2)</b>, R716 (1998)</i></u>.
<u><i>Phys. Rev. B <b>57 (2)</b>, R716 (1998)</i></u>.
"Quantum Phase Transitions in Josephson-Junction Chains".
"Quantum Phase Transitions in Josephson-Junction Chains".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS98a.pdf|PDF (136 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS98a.pdf|PDF (136 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>

<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, Sung-Ik Lee, and M.Y. Choi,
<li> Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup>, Sung-Ik Lee, and M.Y. Choi,
Line 539: Line 660:
"Dissipative Dynamics of Quantum Vortices in Superconducting
"Dissipative Dynamics of Quantum Vortices in Superconducting
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS98b.pdf|PDF (112 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS98b.pdf|PDF (112 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>

Line 545: Line 666:
<u><i>J. Phys.: Condens. Matter <b>9 (1)</b>, 211
<u><i>J. Phys.: Condens. Matter <b>9 (1)</b>, 211
"The Effects of d_{x^2-y^2}-d_{xy} Mixing on Vortex Structures and
"The Effects of d<sub>x<sup>2</sup>-y<sup>2</sup></sub>-d<sub>xy</sub> Mixing on Vortex Structures and
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS97a.pdf|PDF (133 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS97a.pdf|PDF (133 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>

<li>Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup> and Sung-Ik Lee,
<li>Mahn-Soo Choi<sup>&dagger;</sup> and Sung-Ik Lee,
Line 553: Line 675:
"Exact calculation of the vortex-antivortex  
"Exact calculation of the vortex-antivortex  
interaction energy in the anisotropic 3D XY model".
interaction energy in the anisotropic 3D XY model".
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[:file:ChoiMS95a.pdf|PDF (328 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS95a.pdf|PDF (328 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>

<li>M.S. Choi, W.S. Kim, and Sung-Ik Lee,
<li>M.S. Choi, W.S. Kim, and Sung-Ik Lee,
<u><i>Phys. Rev. B <b>49 (21)</b>, 15348 (1994)</i></u>.
<u><i>Phys. Rev. B <b>49 (21)</b>, 15348 (1994)</i></u>.
"Conductivity distribution of resister-capacitor compites".
"Conductivity distribution of resister-capacitor compites".
[[[:file:ChoiMS94e.pdf|PDF (292 KB)]]]
<nowiki>[</nowiki>[[media:ChoiMS94e.pdf|PDF (292 KB)]]<nowiki>]</nowiki>

<li>M.S. Choi, W.S. Kim, and Sung-Ik Lee,
<li>M.S. Choi, W.S. Kim, and Sung-Ik Lee,
<u><i>J. Kor. Phys. Soc. <b>27 (2)</b>, 221 (1994)</i></u>.
<u><i>J. Kor. Phys. Soc. <b>27 (2)</b>, 221 (1994)</i></u>.
"Calculation of the Critical Transport Exponent for a  
"Calculation of the Critical Transport Exponent for a Varying Distribution of the Bond Strength"</li>
Varying Distribution of the Bond Strength"</li>

<li>Myoung-Kwang Bae, M.S. Choi, and others,
<li>Myoung-Kwang Bae, M.S. Choi, and others,
<u><i>Physica C <b>234</b>, 207 (1994)</i></u>.
<u><i>Physica C <b>234</b>, 207 (1994)</i></u>.
"Surface barrier effect of isotropic thermal magnetization of  
"Surface barrier effect of isotropic thermal magnetization of grain aligned HgBCCO"</li>
grain aligned HgBCCO"</li>

<li>Myoung-Kwang Bae, M.S. Choi, and others,
<li>Myoung-Kwang Bae, M.S. Choi, and others,
Line 579: Line 701:


Latest revision as of 06:45, 12 February 2025

    Year 2023

  1. Yinan Fang, Seungju Han, Stefano Chesi and Mahn-Soo Choi, Physical Review B 107 (11), 115114 (7 Mar 2023). "Subgap modes in two-dimensional magnetic Josephson junctions" [PDF] [arXiv:2210.04558] [QWC-2022; NRF-2023a; BK21Plus]
  2. Yongsu Kwak, Woojoo Han, Nam-Hee Kim, Myung-Ho Bae, Mahn-Soo Choi, Myung-Hwa Jung, Yong-Joo Doh, Joon Sung Lee, Jonghyun Song, Jinhee Kim, Current Applied Physics 53, 104 (Sep 2023). "Hysteretic magnetoresistance in superconducting SrTiO3/LaAlO3/SrTiO3 trilayer interface system" [PDF] [QWC-2022; NRF-2023a; BK21Plus]
  3. Year 2022

  4. Mahn-Soo Choi, Scientific Reports 12, 10983 (29 June 2022). "Single-Qubit Reaped Quantum State Tomography" [PDF] [arXiv:2206.09562] [NRF-2017b; Quantum Workforce; BK21Plus]
  5. D. Chen, S. Luo, Y.-D. Wang, S. Chesi, and Mahn-Soo Choi, Physical Review A 105 (2), 022627 (28 Feb 2022). "Geometric Manipulation of a Decoherence-Free Subspace in Atomic Ensembles" [PDF] [arXiv:2103.07907] [BRL-2018; NRF-2017b; BK21Plus]
  6. Year 2021

  7. Yinan Fang, Stefano Chesi, and Mahn-Soo Choi, Physical Review B 104 (19), 195122 (12 Nov 2021). "Probing Kondo spin fluctuations with scanning tunneling microscopy and electron spin resonance" [PDF] [arXiv:2108.11243] [BRL-2018; NRF-2017b; BK21Plus]
  8. Xuan-Hoai Thi Nguyen and Mahn-Soo Choi, Quantum Information Processing 20, 221 (1 July 2021). "Ultimate precision of direct tomography of wave functions" [PDF] [arXiv:1911.07674] [BRL-2018; NRF-2017b; BK21Plus]
  9. Yongsu Kwak, Woojoo Han, Thach D. N. Ngo, Dorj Odkhuu, Young Heon Kim, Sonny H. Rhim, Mahn-Soo Choi, Yong-Joo Doh, Joon Sung Lee, Jonghyun Song, and Jinhee Kim, Applied Surface Science 565, 150495 (30 June 2021). "Non-BCS-type superconductivity and critical thickness of SrTiO3/LaAlO3/SrTiO3 trilayer interface system" [PDF] [BRL-2018; NRF-2017b; BK21Plus]
  10. Yang, Hyunsoo; Choi, Mahn-Soo; Ilnicki,Grzegorz; Martinek,Jan; Yang,See-Hun; and Parkin,Stuart, Applied Physics Letters 118 (15), 152407 (15 April 2021). "Interplay between superconductivity and the Kondo effect on magnetic nanodots" [PDF] [BRL-2018; NRF-2017b; BK21Plus]

    Year 2020

  11. Mahn-Soo Choi, Advanced Quantum Technologies 3 (12), 2000085 (09 Nov 2020). "Exotic Quantum States of Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics in the Ultra-Strong Coupling Regime" [PDF] [BRL-2018; NRF-2017b; BK21Plus]
  12. Nam, Ji-Yeon; Kim, Seung; Nguyen, Hien Thi Minh; Chen, Xiang-Bai; Choi, Mahn-Soo; Lee, Daesu; Noh, T.W.; and Yang, In-Sang; Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 51 (11), 2298 (13 Aug 2020). "Localized spin-flip excitations in hexagonal HoMnO3" [PDF] [BRL-2018; NRF-2017b; BK21Plus]

    Year 2019

  13. Min Hui Chang, Yun Hee Chang, Na-Young Kim, Howon Kim, Soon-Hyeong Lee, Mahn-Soo Choi, Yong-Hyun Kim, and Se-Jong Kahng, Phys. Rev. B 100, 245406 (6 Dec 2019). "Tuning and sensing spin interactions in Co-porphyrin/Au with NH3 and NO2 binding" [PDF (1.6 MB)] [BRL-2018; NRF-2017b; BK21Plus]
  14. Minchul Lee and Mahn-Soo Choi, Phys. Rev. B 99, 075161 (28 February 2019). "Mixed-Valence Transition on a Quantum-Dot Coupled to Superconducting and Spin-Polarized Leads" [PDF (1 MB)] [arXiv:1808.06869] [BRL-2018; NRF-2017b; BK21Plus]
  15. Year 2017 and Before

  16. M. M. Desjardins, J. J. Viennot, M. C Dartiailh, L. E. Bruhat, M. R. Delbecq, M. Lee, Mahn-Soo Choi, A. Cottet and T. Kontos, Nature 545, 71 (4 May 2017). "Observation of the frozen charge of a Kondo resonance" [PDF (8.6 MB)] [NRF-2015a; BK21Plus]
  17. Oscar Dahlsten, Mahn-Soo Choi, Daniel Braun, Andrew J. P. Garner, Nicole Yunger Halpern, and Vlatko Vedral, New J. Phys. 19, 043013 (10 April 2017). "Entropic equality for worst-case work at any protocol speed" [PDF (1 MB)] [arXiv:1504.05152] [NRF-2015a; BK21Plus]
  18. Heonhwa Choi, Yun Won Kim, Soon-Gul Lee, Mahn-Soo Choi, Min-Seok Kim, and Jae-Hyuk Choi, Phys. Rev. B 95 (6), 064505 (Feb 2017) "Cantilever torque magnetometry of a lithographically defined superconducting ring" [PDF (643 kB)] [arXiv:1701.07598] [NRF-2015a; BK21Plus]
  19. Danh-Tai Hoang, B. Prasanna Venkatesh, Seungju Han, Junghyo Jo, Gentaro Watanabe, and Mahn-Soo Choi, Scientific Reports 6, 27603 (Jun 2016). "Scaling Law for Irreversible Entropy Production in Critical Systems" [PDF (1.2 MB)] [arXiv:1508.02444] [NRF-2015a; BK21Plus]
  20. Minchul Lee, Seungju Han, and Mahn-Soo Choi, New Journal of Physics 18 (6), 063004 (4 June 2016). "Spatiotemporal evolution of topological order upon quantum quench across the critical point" [PDF (3.9 MB)] [arXiv:1603.01834] [NRF-2015a; BK21Plus]
  21. Munkhbayar Bat-Erdene, Heejo Lee, and Mahn-Soo Choi, International Journal of Information Security, 1 (2016). "Entropy Analysis to Classify Unknown Packing Algorithms for Malware Detection" [PDF (2.1 MB)] [NRF-2015a; BK21Plus]
  22. Myung-Joong Hwang, M. S. Kim, and Mahn-Soo Choi, Physical Review Letters 116 (15), 153601 (15 April 2016). "Recurrent Delocalization and Quasiequilibration of Photons in Coupled Systems in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics" [PDF (565 kB)] [arXiv:1602.06145] [NRF-2015a; BK21Plus]
  23. Thach Ngo, Jung-Won Chang, Kyujoon Lee, Seungju Han, Joon Sung Lee, Young Heon Kim, Myung-Hwa Jung, Yong-Joo Doh, Mahn-Soo Choi, Jonghyun Song, and Jinhee Kim, Nature Communications 6, 1 (13 Aug 2015). "Polarity-tunable magnetic tunnel junctions based on ferromagnetism at oxide heterointerfaces" [PDF (1.6 MB)] [NRF-2015a; BK21Plus] Supplementary information available for this article at here.
  24. Minchul Lee, Seungju Han, and Mahn-Soo Choi, Physical Review B 92, 035117 (9 July 2015). "Kibble-Zurek Mechanism in a Topological Phase Transition" [PDF (252 kB)] [arXiv:1409.1753] [NRF-2015a; BK21Plus]
  25. Seungju Han, Llorens Serra, and Mahn-Soo Choi, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27 (25), 255002 (28 May 2015). "Negative Tunneling Magneto-Resistance in Quantum Wires with Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling" [PDF (547 kB)] [arXiv:1409.6374] [BK21Plus]
  26. Heunghwan Khim, Rosa López, Jong Soo Lim, Minchul Lee, The European Physical Journal B 88, 151 (June 2015). "Thermoelectric effect in the Kondo dot side-coupled to a Majorana mode". [arXiv:1408.5053]
  27. Minchul Lee and Mahn-Soo Choi, Phys Rev Lett 113 (7), 076801 (13 Aug 2014). "Quantum Resistor-Capacitor Circuit with Majorana Fermion Modes in a Chiral Topological Superconductor" [PDF (2.1 MB)] [arXiv:1403.6239] Supplemental Material [BK21Plus]
  28. Mahn-Soo Choi, Phys. Rev. B 89 (4), 045137 (29 Jan 2014). "Hanbury-Brown and Twiss Correlations of Cooper Pairs in Helical Liquids" [PDF (310 kB)] [arXiv:1002.3144] [NRF-NAA; BK21Plus; KIAS; APCTP]
  29. Minchul Lee, Heunghwan Khim, and Mahn-Soo Choi, Phys. Rev. B 89 (3), 035309 (17 Jan 2014). "Anomalous crossed Andreev reflection in mesoscopic superconducting ring hosting Majorana fermions" [PDF (2.1 MB)] [arXiv:1308.1192] [NRF-NAA; BK21Plus; KIAS]
  30. Sunjae Chung, Sangyeop Lee, Taehee Yoo, Hakjoon Lee, J-H Chung, M S Choi, Sanghoon Lee, X Liu, J K Furdyna, Jae-Ho Han, Hyun-Woo Lee and Kyung-Jin Lee, New J. Phys. 15, 123025 (Dec 2013). "The critical role of next-nearest-neighbor interlayer interaction in the magnetic behavior of magnetic/non-magnetic multilayers" [PDF (1.2 MB)] [NRF-NAA; NRF-FMSCML]
  31. Myung-Joong Hwang and Mahn-Soo Choi, Phys. Rev. B 87 (12), 125404 (7 Mar 2013). "Large-scale maximal entanglement and Majorana bound states in coupled circuit quantum electrodynamic systems" [PDF (243 kB)] [arXiv:1207.0088] [NRF-NAA; NRF-FMSCML; KIAS; BK21]
  32. Bum-Kyu Kim, Ye-Hwan Ahn, Ju-Jin Kim, Mahn-Soo Choi, Myung-Ho Bae, Kicheon Kang, Jong Soo Lim, Rosa Lopez, and Nam Kim, Phys. Rev. Lett.110 (7), 076803 (13 Feb 2013). "Transport Measurement of Andreev Bound States in a Kondo-Correlated Quantum Dot" [PDF (468 kB)] [arXiv:1209.4738] [NRF-NAA; NRF-FMSCML]
  33. Heunghwan Khim, Sun-Yong Hwang, and Minchul Lee, Phys. Rev. B 87, 115312 (19 March 2013). "Mesoscopic charge relaxation in a multilevel quantum dot with spin exchange coupling".
  34. Minkyung Jung, Hyunho Noh, Yong-Joo Doh, Woon Song, Yonuk Chong, Mahn-Soo Choi, Youngdong Yoo, Kwanyong Seo, Nam Kim, Byung-Chill Woo, Bongsoo Kim, Jinhee Kim, ACS Nano 5 (3), 2271 (Feb 2011) [PDF (2.6 MB)] [NRF-SSBQO]
  35. G. Strubi, W. Belzig, Mahn-Soo Choi, and C. Bruder, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 (13), 136403 (Sep 2011). "Interferometric and Noise Signatures of Majorana Fermion Edge States in Transport Experiments" [PDF (152 kB)] [arXiv:1109.0393] [NRF-SSBQO; NRF-NAA; NRF-FMSCML]
  36. Minchul Lee, R. Lopez, Mahn-Soo Choi, T. Jonckheere, and T. Martin, Phys. Rev. B 83 (20), 201304 (2011). "Many-body Correlation Effect on Mesoscopic Charge Relaxation" [PDF (672 kB)] [arXiv:1101.0468] [NRF-SSBQO; NRF-FMSCML]
  37. Changliang Ren and Mahn-So Choi, Phys. Rev. A 82 (5), 054102 (09 Nov 2010). "Local and nonlocal contents in N-qubit generalized Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states" [PDF (136 kB)] [arXiv:1006.2627] [NRF-SSBQO; BK21; APCTP; KIAS]
  38. Myung-Joong Hwang and Mahn-Soo Choi, Phys. Rev. A 82 (2), 025802 (30 Aug 2010). "Variational study of a two-level system coupled to a harmonic oscillator in a ultrastrong coupling regime" [PDF (411 kB)] [arXiv:1006.1989] [NRF-SSBQO; BK21; APCTP; KIAS]
  39. Rok Zitko, Minchul Lee, Rosa Lopez, Ramon Aguado, and Mahn-Soo Choi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (11), 116803 (8 Sep 2010). "Josephson current in strongly correlated double quantum dots" [PDF (248 kB)] [arXiv:1002.3403] [NRF-SSBQO; BK21; APCTP]
  40. Myung-Joong Hwang, Jae-Hyuk Choi, and Mahn-Soo Choi, J. Phys.: Condens. Matt. 22 (35), 355301 (10 Aug 2010). "Superconducting Qubits Coupled to Torsional Vibrators" PDF (524 kB) [arXiv:1004.1497] [NRF-SSBQO; BK21; KRISS; APCTP]
  41. Minchul Lee, Mahn-Soo Choi, Rosa Lopez, Ramon Aguado, Jan Martinek, and Rok Zitko, Phys. Rev. B 81, 121311(R) (29 Mar 2010). "Two-impurity Anderson model revisited: Competition between Kondo effect and reservoir-mediated superexchange in double quantum dots." [PDF (376 kB)] [NRF-SSBQO; BK21; KIAS]
    This paper has been selected by the editors of PRB to be an Editors' Suggestion.
  42. L. Serra and M.-S. Choi, Eur. Phys. J. B 71 (1), 97-103 (1 Sep 2009). "Conductance of tubular nanowires with disorder". [PDF (632 kB)] [NRF-SSBQO]
  43. Sangyong Yi, Mahn-Soo Choi, and Sang Wook Kim, Phys. Lett. A 373 (36), 3239-3243 (31 Aug 2009). "Particle trapping induced by the interplay between coherence and decoherence". [PDF (192 kB)] [None]
  44. Mahn-Soo Choi, Nature Nanotechnology 4 (6), 347 (25 Jun 2009). "Quantum Dots: When a barrier is not an obstacle". [PDF (108 kB)] [None]
    This is a News & Views article invited by the editor of Nature Nanotechnology. It reviews the paper by Steele, Gotz, and Kouwenhoven.
  45. T. Delattre, C. Feuillet-Palma, L.G. Herrmann, P. Morfin, J.-M. Berroir, G. Feve, B. Placais, D. C. Glattli, M.-S. Choi, C. Mora, and T. Kontos, Nature Physics 5, 208 (25 Jan 2009). "Noisy Kondo impurities". [PDF (448 kB)] [eSSC, BK21]
    A perspective review of this work is also available.
  46. Jong Soo Lim and Mahn-Soo Choi, J. Phys.: Condens. Matt. 20 (41), 415225 (22 Sep 2008). "Andreev Bound States in the Kondo Quantum Dots Coupled to Superconducting Leads". [PDF (412 kB)] [[ cond-mat/0609333]] [eSSC, KRF-MC2, KRF-PC, SK, KIAS]
  47. Daniel Braun and Mahn-Soo Choi, Phys. Rev. A 78 (3), 032114 (19 Sep 2008). "Hardy's test versus the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt test of quantum nonlocality: Fundamental and practical aspects". [PDF (784 kB)] [arXiv:0808.0052] [eSSC, KRF-MC2, KRF-PC, BK21, KIAS]
  48. Minkyung Jung, Joon Sung Lee, Woon Song, Youngheon Kim and Sang Don Lee, Nam Kim, Jeunghee Park, Mahn-Soo Choi, Shingo Katsumoto, Hyoyoung Lee, and Jinhee Kim, Nano Lett. 8 (10), 3189 (04 Sep 2008). "Quantum interference in radial heterostructure nanowire". PDF
  49. Taeseung Choi and Mahn-Soo Choi, J. Phys.: Condens. Matt. 20 (27), 275242 (13 Jun 2008). "Quantum Key Distribution Using Quantum Faraday Rotators". [PDF (348 kB)] [quant-ph/0612208] [eSSC, KRF-MC2, KRF-PC, SWU, KIAS]
  50. David Sanchez, Llorens Serra, and Mahn-Soo Choi, Phys. Rev. B 77 (3), 035315 (14 Jan 2008). "Strongly modulated transmission of a spin-split quantum wire with local Rashba interaction." [PDF (396 kB)] [arXiv:0706.0107] [eSSC]
  51. Myung-Joong Hwang, Mahn-Soo Choi, and Rosa Lopez, Phys. Rev. B 76 (16), 165312 (18 Oct 2007). "Pair tunneling and shot noise through a single molecule in a strong electron-phonon coupling regime". [PDF (224 kB)] [cond-mat/0608599] [eSSC, KRF-MC2, KRF-PC, BK21]
  52. Sunkyung Moon, Woon Song, Nam Kim, Jinhee Kim, Soon-Gul Lee, and Mahn-Soo Choi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99 (17), 176804 (25 Oct 2007). "Eightfold shell filling in a double-wall carbon nanotube quantum dot". [PDF (440 kB)] [eSSC, KRF-MC2,BK21]
    This work has been reviewed in the site.
  53. Jae-Hyuk Choi, Min-Seok Kim, Yon-Kyu Park, and Mahn-Soo Choi, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 (7), 073117 (16 Feb 2007). "Quantum-based mechanical force realization in piconewton range." [PDF (180 kB)] [cond-mat/0606022] [eSSC, KRF-MC2, KRF-PC]
  54. Rosa Lopez, Mahn-Soo Choi, and Ramon Aguado, Phys. Rev. B 75, 045132 (30 Jan 2007). "Josephson current through a Kondo molecule" PDF (458 kB) [cond-mat/0603652] [eSSC, KRF-MC2, SK, KIAS]
  55. Sang Wook Kim and Mahn-Soo Choi, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 50, 337 (15 Jan 2007). "Pumps Operating at the Boundary Between the Classical and the Quantum Worlds". [PDF (148 kB)]
  56. Audrey Cottet and Mahn-Soo Choi, Phys. Rev. B 74 (23), 235316 (13 Dec 2006). "Magnetoresistance of a quantum dot with spin-active interfaces" [PDF (672 kB)] [cond-mat/0605264] [eSSC, KRF-MC2, SK, NCCR]
  57. Jong Soo Lim, Mahn-Soo Choi, M. Y. Choi, Rosa Lopez, and Ramon Aguado, Phys. Rev. B 74 (20), 205119 (27 Nov 2006). "Kondo effects in carbon nanotubes: From SU(4) to SU(2) symmetry" [PDF (890 kB)] [cond-mat/0608110] [eSSC, KRF-MC2, BK21, SK-Fund, UIB Spain]
  58. Audrey Cottet, Takis Kontos, Sangeeta Sahoo, Hon Tim Man, Mahn-Soo Choi, Wolfgang Belzig, Christoph Bruder, Alberto Morpurgo, and Christian Schoenenberger, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 21, S78 (17 Oct 2006). "Nanospintronics with carbon nanotubes" (a review article) [PDF (2MB)] [eSSC, KRF-MC2]
  59. Jaeuk U. Kim, Mahn-Soo Choi, Ilya V. Krive, and Jari M. Kinaret, Low Temp. Phys. 32 (12), 1158 (2006). "Nonequilibrium plasmons and transport properties of a double--junction quantum wire" PDF [cond-mat/0503398] [SKORE-A, eSSC, SK-Fund]
  60. Heon Mo Kim, Mahn-Soo Choi, Jinsoo Joo, Sin Je Cho, and Ho Sang Yoon, Phys. Rev. B 74, 054202 (03 Aug 2006). "Complexity in charge transport for multiwalled carbon nanotube and poly(methyl methacrylate) composites" PDF (1.3MB) [eSSC]
  61. Jairo Sinova, Shuichi Murakami, Shun-Qing Shen, and Mahn-Soo Choi, Solid State Comm. 138 (4), 214 (01 Apr 2006). "Spin-Hall effect: Back to the beginning at a higher level" [PDF (64kB)] [APCTP, NSF]
  62. Mahn-Soo Choi, Int. J. Nanotechnology 3 (2/3), 216 (25 Apr 2006). "Mesoscopic Kondo Effects in Nanoscale Systems." [PDF (1.3MB)] [cond-mat/0504015] [eSSC, KRF-MC2, SK, KIAS]
  63. Sang Wook Kim and Mahn-Soo Choi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 226802 (23 Nov 2005). "Decoherence-Driven Quantum Transport." [PDF (158 kB)] [cond-mat/0504015] [eSSC, SKORE-A, SK]
  64. Mahn-Soo Choi, Rosa Lopez, and Ramon Aguado, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 067204 (05 Aug 2005). "SU(4) Kondo Effects in Carbon Nanotubes". [PDF (680 kB)] [cond-mat/0411665] [eSSC, SKORE-A]
  65. Jaeuk U. Kim, Jari M. Kinaret, and Mahn-Soo Choi, J. Phys.: Condens. Matt. 17 (25), 3815 (10 Jun2005). "Shot Noise and Full Counting Statistics from Non-equilibrium Plasmons in Luttinger-Liquid Junctions". [PDF (376 kB)] [cond-mat/0403613] [eSSC, SKORE-A, SK]
  66. Mahn-Soo Choi, Minchul Lee, Kicheon Kang, and W. Belzig, Phys. Rev. Lett 94 (22), 229701 (09 Jun 2005). "Comment on Josephson Current through a Nanoscale Magnetic Quantum Dot". [PDF (59 kB)] [cond-mat/0410415]
  67. Minchul Lee and Mahn-Soo Choi, Phys. Rev. B 71, 153306 (18 Apr 2005). "Ballistic spin currents in mesoscopic metal/In(Ga)As/metal junctions". [PDF (274 kB)] [eSSC, SKORE-A, SK, KIAS]
  68. Rosa Lopez, David Sanchez, Minchul Lee, Mahn-Soo Choi, Pascal Simon, and Karyn Le Hur, Phys. Rev. B 71, 115312 (18 Mar 2005). "Probing spin and orbital Kondo effects with a mesoscopic interferometer". [PDF (138 kB)] [eSSC, SKORE-A, SK]
  69. Kicheon Kang, Mahn-Soo Choi, and Seongjae Lee, Phys. Rev. B 71, 045330 (23 Jan 2005). "Anomalous Transmission Phase of a Kondo-Correlated Quantum Dot" [PDF (192 kB)]
  70. Mahn-Soo Choi, Minchul Lee, Kicheon Kang, and Wolfgang Belzig, Phys. Rev. B 70, R020502 (09 Jul 2004). "Kondo Effect and Josephson Current through a Quantum Dot Coupled to Superconductors". [PDF (246 kB)] [eSSC, SKORE-A, NCCR (Basel), Swiss NSF]
  71. Hanno Gassmann, Mahn-Soo Choi, Hangmo Yi, and C. Bruder, Phys. Rev. B 69, 115419 (22 Mar 2004). "Quantum Dissipative Dynamics of the Magnetic Resonance Force Microscope in the Single-Spin Detection Limit" [PDF (477 kB)] [eSSC, SKORE-A, NCCR (Basel), Swiss NSF, KRF-QIS]
  72. Mahn-Soo Choi, David Sanchez, and Rosa Lopez, Phys. Rev. Lett. 92 (5), 056601 (04 Feb 2004). "Kondo effect in a quantum dot coupled to ferromagnetic leads: A numerical renormalization group analysis" [PDF (390 kB)] [eSSC, SKORE-A, Swiss NSF]
  73. H.-S. Sim, M. Kataoka, Hangmo Yi, N. Y. Hwang, M.-S. Choi, and S.-R. Eric Yang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 91 (26), 266801 (29 Dec 2003). "Coulomb Blockade and Kondo Effect in a Quantum Hall Antidot" [PDF (143 KB)] [eSSC; SKORE-A]
  74. Mahn-Soo Choi, J. Phys.: Condens. Matt. 15 (46), 7823 (07 Nov 2003). "Geometric Quantum Compuation on Solid-State Qubits" [PDF (154 KB)] [eSSC; SKORE-A; Korea Univ]
  75. Minchul Lee, Mahn-Soo Choi, and M. Y. Choi, Phys. Rev. B 68, 144506 (06 Oct 2003). "Quantum Phase Transitions and Persistent Currents in Josephson-Junction Ladders" [PDF (155 KB)] [SKORE-A]
  76. Mahn-Soo Choi, Nak Yeon Hwang, and S.-R. Eric Yang, Phys. Rev. B 67, 245323 (26 Jun 2003). "Kondo Effect of Quantum Dots in the Quantum Hall Regime" [PDF (198 KB)] [eSSC; SKORE-A; Korea Univ]
  77. Hangmo Yi and Mahn-Soo Choi, Phys. Rev. E 67, 056125 (2003). "Effect of Quantum Fluctuations in an Ising System on Small-World Networks" (published 23 May 2003) [PDF (60 KB)] [SKORE-A]
  78. Mahn-Soo Choi, F. Plastina, R. Fazio, Phys. Rev. B 67 (4), 045105 (21 Jan 2003). "Charge and current fluctuations in a superconducting single electron transistor near a Cooper pair resonance". [PDF (520 KB)] [SKORE-A]
  79. Mahn-Soo Choi, Phys. Rev. A 64 (5), 054301 (2001). "Solid-state implementation of quantum teleportation and quantum dense coding". PDF (56 KB)
  80. Mahn-Soo Choi, F. Plastina, and R. Fazio, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 (11), 116 601 (2001). "Shot Noise for Resonant Cooper Pair Tunneling". [PDF (114 KB)]
  81. Beom Jun Kim, Mahn-Soo Choi, Peter Minnhagen, Gun Sang Jeon, H. J. Kim, and M. Y. Choi, Phys. Rev. B 63 (10), 104506 (2001). "Spatiotemporal stochastic resonance in fully frustrated Josephson ladders". [PDF (127 KB)]
  82. Mahn-Soo Choi, T. I. Um, and M. Y. Choi, J. Korean Phys. Soc. 38 (2), 129 (2001). "Semiclassical Fluctuations in the Quantum Phase Model". [PDF (184 KB)]
  83. Mahn-Soo Choi, Rosario Fazio, Jens Siewert, and C. Bruder, Europhys. Lett. 53 (2), 251 (2001). "Coherent oscillations in a Cooper-pair box". [PDF (597 KB)]
  84. Mahn-Soo Choi, Bruder, and Daniel Loss, Phys. Rev. B 62 (20), 13569 (2000). "Spin-Dependent Josephson Current through Double Quantum Dots and Measurement of Entangled Electron States". [PDF (72 KB)]
  85. Mahn-Soo Choi and C. Bruder, Europhys. Lett. 50 (5), 642 (2000). "Anderson-type model for a molecule adsorbed on a metal surface". [PDF (183 KB)]
  86. Mahn-Soo Choi, M. Y. Choi, Sung-Ik Lee, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 12 (6), 943 (2000). "Capacitively coupled Josephson-junction chains: straight versus slanted coupling". [PDF (273 KB)]
  87. Minchul Lee, Mahn-Soo Choi, and M. Y. Choi, Phys. Rev. B 60 (14), 10455 (1999). "Charge frustration effects in capacitively coupled two-dimensional Josephson-junction arrays". [PDF (115 KB)]
  88. Mahn-Soo Choi, M. Y. Choi, Taeseung Choi, and Sung-Ik Lee, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81 (19), 4240 (1998). "Cotunneling Transport and Quantum Phase Transitions in Coupled Josephson-Junction Chains with Charge Frustration". [PDF (138 KB)]  This theoretical work is now in the course of experimental realization by a group of Chalmers Univesity of Technology, Sweden (H. Shimada and P. Delsing, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 3253 (2000) and private communication).
  89. Beom Jun Kim, Gun Sang Jeon, Mahn-Soo Choi, and M. Y. Choi, Phys. Rev. B 58 (21), 14524 (1998). "Quantum phase transition in superconducting arrays under external magnetic fields". [PDF (258 KB)]
  90. Mahn-Soo Choi, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 10 (43), 9783 (1998). "Quantum Phase Transitions and Current Drag Effects in Capacitively Coupled Two-Dimensional Josephson-Junction Arrays". [PDF (130 KB)]
  91. Mahn-Soo Choi, M. Y. Choi, and S.-I. Lee, Europhys. Lett. 43 (4), 439 (1998). "Current responses and voltage fluctuations in Josephson-junction systems". [PDF (251 KB)]
  92. M.-S. Choi, J. Yi, M. Y. Choi, J. Choi, and S.-I. Lee, Phys. Rev. B 57 (2), R716 (1998). "Quantum Phase Transitions in Josephson-Junction Chains". [PDF (136 KB)]
  93. Mahn-Soo Choi, Sung-Ik Lee, and M.Y. Choi, Phys. Rev. B 57 (5), 2720 (1998). "Dissipative Dynamics of Quantum Vortices in Superconducting Arrays". [PDF (112 KB)]
  94. Mahn-Soo Choi and Sung-Ik Lee, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 9 (1), 211 (1997). "The Effects of dx2-y2-dxy Mixing on Vortex Structures and Magnetization". [PDF (133 KB)]
  95. Mahn-Soo Choi and Sung-Ik Lee, Phys. Rev. B 51 (10), 6680 (1995). "Exact calculation of the vortex-antivortex interaction energy in the anisotropic 3D XY model". [PDF (328 KB)]
  96. M.S. Choi, W.S. Kim, and Sung-Ik Lee, Phys. Rev. B 49 (21), 15348 (1994). "Conductivity distribution of resister-capacitor compites". [PDF (292 KB)]
  97. M.S. Choi, W.S. Kim, and Sung-Ik Lee, J. Kor. Phys. Soc. 27 (2), 221 (1994). "Calculation of the Critical Transport Exponent for a Varying Distribution of the Bond Strength"
  98. Myoung-Kwang Bae, M.S. Choi, and others, Physica C 234, 207 (1994). "Surface barrier effect of isotropic thermal magnetization of grain aligned HgBCCO"
  99. Myoung-Kwang Bae, M.S. Choi, and others, Physica C 231, 249 (1994). "Superconducting Fluctuation Effects in grain-aligned HgBCCO"
  100. Myoung-Kwang Bae, M.S. Choi, and others, Physica C 228, 195 (1994). "Vortex fluctuation of grain-aligned HgBCCO"