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Pages in category "Seminars"
The following 143 pages are in this category, out of 143 total.
- Active Nanophotonic and Optoelectronic Devices
- Anomalous Josephson coupling through Majorana fermions in Time-Reversal Invariant Topological Superconductor
- Antibunching in an optomechanical oscillator.
- Atomic sputter epitaxy for metal single crystal thin film and its applications for Nanoscience and Photonics
- Carrier screening and transport in novel chiral 3D Dirac materials
- Circuit QED: Study Report
- Coherent Quantum Control and Magnetism on atoms – Trapped ion and ESR STM
- Coherent Quantum Control and Magnetism on atoms – Trapped ion and ESR STM(2nd Part)
- Complete characterization of non-classicality of Gaussian states of light via intensity moments
- Composite fermions: Exotic emergent particles in condensed matter
- Coupling between heat transport and spin transport in metallic ferromagnets
- Efficient switching of magnetization using spin-orbit torque
- Electrically confined one-dimensional conducting channel in bilayer graphene
- Electron Hydrodynamic and Quantum Sensor
- Electron transport in 3D topological insulators
- Embedding Data into Quantum Circuits
- Excitons in semiconductor quantum dots
- Explore a two-dimensional world using photoemission technique
- Image reconstruction from the classical correlation via chaotic light
- Instanton approach to optical bistability
- Integrated quantum photonics based on solid-state quantum system
- Introduction of Topological Insulator
- Introduction to Decoherence
- Introduction to Differentiable Quantum Circuits
- Introduction to machine learning and its application to physics
- Introduction to Quantum Graph Neural Network
- Introduction to the Diamond NV Center
- Introduction to the Diamond NV Center: Applications
- Investigation of superconductivity by magnetic force microscopy
- Investigation on metal nanostructure/semiconductor junction and its applications
- Macroscopic Quantumness in many-body systems
- Manipulating photons in a cavity and raising Schrödinger cats of light
- Manipulating spins in topological insulators
- Material platforms for spin-based photonic quantum technologies
- Maximal nonlocal mixed states for different nonlocal tests
- Measurement of Hawking Radiation in an analog system
- Mesoscopic research with Quantum Hall electronic interferometer
- Multi-Junction Structure of 2D Materials and Its Device Application
- Multiple period states of the superfluid Fermi gas in an optical lattice
- Nanophotonics: strong light-matter interaction
- NLOPT and canonical coordinates of quantum logic gates
- Nonlinearity in Cold Atom Systems
- Novel Anisotropic Dirac Materials: AMnBi2
- Novel Phenomena in Strongly Correlated Systems
- Novel probes for studying exotic phenomena in superconductivity and quantum Hall phases
- Numerical Optimization
- Optical Characterization of Monolayer WSe2
- Optical, Atomic, and Photon Interferometers for precision measurements
- Origin of Long Lifetime of Band-Edge Charge Carriers in Solar Cell Perovskites
- Oscillatory tunneling magnetoresistance in magnetic tunnel junctions with inserted nonmagnetic layer
- Parametric amplification and quantum measurement in a nanomechanical resonator
- Passivation of grain boundaries and chemical stability in organic-inorganic lead halide perovskite solar cells
- Perturbation Theories in Quantum Physics
- Phase phenomena in probabilistic theories
- Physics in STO-capped LAO/STO hetero-interface
- Precision metrology with Bose-Einstein Condensates
- Probing Atomic Defect States of Monolayer Semiconducting Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Film
- Probing Topological Superfluidity with Nano/Micromechanics
- QC Lab Workshop, Rabi Hamiltonian and Mathematica Package
- Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm
- Quantum control of hybrid spin system in diamond: towards scalable quantum network
- Quantum dots coupled to superconducting impedance matching circuits / Dirac semimetal nanowires
- Quantum electrodynamic Aharonov-Bohm effect of a superconducting charge qubit located in an electromagnetic-field-free region
- Quantum Electronic Transport in Graphene Hybrid Nanostructures
- Quantum fluctuation theorems and generalized measurements during the force protocol
- Quantum information processing and photonics applications using quantum dots
- Quantum information processing with defect based qubits in solids
- Quantum Machine Learning
- Quantum meets Mechanics: Mechanical Systems as New Resources for Quantum Technologies
- Quantum phase transition and universal dynamics in the Rabi model
- Quantum Simulation Methods for Molecular Vibronic Spectra
- Quantum Simulation of Complex Dynamics: From Control to Chaos
- Raman study of spin excitations in hexagonal RMnO3
- Real-space Visualization of the Superconducting Proximity effect and Josephson effect on Nano-sized Pb thin film
- Recent advances in the physics and applications of metamaterials
- Relation between work and information
- Robust Quantum State Transfer through Strong Coupling to Bosonic Bath
- Role of Organic Molecules in Organic-Inorganic Solar Cell Perovskites
- Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy on Epitaxial Thin Film Grown on an s-wave Superconductor
- Search for magnetic version of Dirac particles and their topological excitations
- Sensing single nuclear spins in diamond: from theory to experiments
- Simulating Quantum Systems on Classical Computers
- Single Electron Transport in Nanoelectromechanical System (NEMS)
- Single-Qubit Reaped Qunatum State Tomography
- Solid-state Quantum Information Using Defects in Semiconductors
- Spectroscopic interpretation of transparent oxide films for various applications
- Spin polarized electrons for future electronics
- Spin transport and dynamics in magnetic materials
- Spin Transport in a Semiconductor Channel
- Strain-coupled hybrid devices based on single-crystal diamond mechanical resonators and nitrogen-vacancy center qubits
- Synthesis and Characterization of Atomic and Electronic Properties of Graphene Directly Grown on Dielectric Substrates
- The Mysteries of Mass
- The National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) and Nuclear Physics
- Three dimensional Weyl metallic state in the Bi1-xSbx alloy
- To be announced later
- Topological Anderson Insulator: Theory and Experiments
- Topological Insulators: Basics of Topological Insulators
- Topological phase transitions in line-nodal superconductors
- Topological phases in low-dimensional quantum materials
- Toward nanomechanical quantum sensors
- Towards quantum polaritonics: Strongly interacting polaritons
- Tutorial: Quantum Theory of Measurement
- Tutorial: Solid-State Quantum Optics with Circuit QED
- Tutorial: Superconducting Qubits
- Tutorial: Topological States of Matter
- Two-dimensional van der Waals heterostructuresfor quantum transports and ultrafast optoelectronics