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This is a series of seminars on Condensed Matter Physics. It is a joint activity among five groups in the Department of Physics at Korea University and may hopefully expand to more groups in the future.
Individual seminars will be held usually on Wednesdays at 5:00pm, every two or three weeks. The language will be mostly Korean (sorry about that).
These are the organizers of the seminars:
If you have any question about the Condensed Matter Seminars, you can contact the secretary
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Pages in category "Condensed Matter Seminars"
The following 77 pages are in this category, out of 77 total.
- Carrier screening and transport in novel chiral 3D Dirac materials
- Coherent Quantum Control and Magnetism on atoms – Trapped ion and ESR STM
- Coherent Quantum Control and Magnetism on atoms – Trapped ion and ESR STM(2nd Part)
- Coupling between heat transport and spin transport in metallic ferromagnets
- Parametric amplification and quantum measurement in a nanomechanical resonator
- Passivation of grain boundaries and chemical stability in organic-inorganic lead halide perovskite solar cells
- Precision metrology with Bose-Einstein Condensates
- Probing Atomic Defect States of Monolayer Semiconducting Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Film
- Probing Topological Superfluidity with Nano/Micromechanics
- Quantum control of hybrid spin system in diamond: towards scalable quantum network
- Quantum dots coupled to superconducting impedance matching circuits / Dirac semimetal nanowires
- Quantum Electronic Transport in Graphene Hybrid Nanostructures
- Quantum meets Mechanics: Mechanical Systems as New Resources for Quantum Technologies
- Quantum Simulation Methods for Molecular Vibronic Spectra
- Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy on Epitaxial Thin Film Grown on an s-wave Superconductor
- Search for magnetic version of Dirac particles and their topological excitations
- Single Electron Transport in Nanoelectromechanical System (NEMS)
- Solid-state Quantum Information Using Defects in Semiconductors
- Spectroscopic interpretation of transparent oxide films for various applications
- Spin transport and dynamics in magnetic materials
- Spin Transport in a Semiconductor Channel
- Strain-coupled hybrid devices based on single-crystal diamond mechanical resonators and nitrogen-vacancy center qubits
- Synthesis and Characterization of Atomic and Electronic Properties of Graphene Directly Grown on Dielectric Substrates
- Three dimensional Weyl metallic state in the Bi1-xSbx alloy
- Topological Anderson Insulator: Theory and Experiments
- Topological Insulators: Basics of Topological Insulators
- Topological phases in low-dimensional quantum materials
- Toward nanomechanical quantum sensors
- Towards quantum polaritonics: Strongly interacting polaritons
- Tutorial: Quantum Theory of Measurement
- Tutorial: Solid-State Quantum Optics with Circuit QED
- Tutorial: Superconducting Qubits
- Tutorial: Topological States of Matter
- Two-dimensional van der Waals heterostructuresfor quantum transports and ultrafast optoelectronics