- Speakers: Prof. Nation, Paul (Korea Univ)
- Date: Tuesday October 16, 2012
Recently there has been a great deal of interest, both theoretical and experimental, in
controlling the dynamics of individual quantum systems. Not only does this allow for
fundamental tests of quantum mechanics, but it is also a necessary prerequisite for quantum
computation. Traditionally, quantum mechanics has been confined to atomic and molecular
length scales. However, driven by the goal to achieve a viable quantum computer, advances
in experimental and manufacturing techniques have opened up the possibility of producing
micro- and nanometer scale devices with controllable parameters that are firmly in the
quantum realm. These engineered systems can now be realized with a wide range of
different technologies such as quantum optics, superconducting circuits, semiconducting
quantum dots, nanomechanical devices , and ion traps. With this increased interest in
engineered quantum devices, and a quantum computer out of reach for the foreseeable
future, simulating the dynamics of these systems must be performed on a classical computer.
In this talk, we will look at some of the challenges of simulating real-world quantum
systems on classical hardware, and the various methods used in the calculations. We will
also look at some examples using QuTiP: The Quantum Toolbox in Python, being developed
at Korea University in collaboration with RIKEN in Japan, that is now the predominate
numerical software used in simulating these mesoscopic systems.