Combined display of all available logs of QCLab. You can narrow down the view by selecting a log type, the username (case-sensitive), or the affected page (also case-sensitive).
- 10:06, 6 October 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page WLC2023/Choi, J (Redirected page to Mathematica 프로그래밍 시 버그 찾는 시간 최소화하기) Tag: New redirect
- 10:05, 6 October 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page 방사광 가속기 핵심 부품인 삽입장치 설계에서의 Mathematica® 응용 (Created page with "<strong>김동언 (포항가속기연구소)</strong> 가속기에서 전자빔으로부터 빛을 생성하기 위해서 “undulator” 나 “Wiggler” 같은 삽입장치를 사용한다. 이런 정밀 전자석, 삽입장치를 설계하기 위하여 2차원, 3차원 FEM software가 주로 사용되지만 최근에는 Mathematica platform 위에서 BEM (Boundary Element method)를 사용하는 방법이 개발되어 상보적으로 사용되고 있다. 이 talk에...")
- 10:04, 6 October 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page WLC2023/김동언 (Redirected page to 방사광 가속기 핵심 부품인 삽입장치 설계에서의 Mathematica® 응용) Tag: New redirect
- 10:03, 6 October 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page WLC2023/이장훈 (Redirected page to Deployment of CDF as WolframCloud and Enterprise CDF (CDF 실험문서의 Enterprise & Cloud 배포)) Tag: New redirect
- 10:02, 6 October 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page Deployment of CDF as WolframCloud and Enterprise CDF (CDF 실험문서의 Enterprise & Cloud 배포) (Created page with "<strong>이장훈 (파주여고)</strong> CDF는 수학교육 콘텐츠 배포를 위한 좋은 도구이지만, Wolfram Player에서 동작하는데 몇 가지 제한이 있다. Enterprise CDF는 InputField에서 string을 지원하고, 데이터 입출력 등 모든 기능의 사용이 가능하다. Cloud CDF는 Wolfram Player가 미설치된 태블릿, 모바일에서도 동작이 가능하다. 우리는 CDF 예제를 통하여 세 가지 배포 방식에 대한 장...")
- 10:00, 6 October 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page WLC2023/이현채 (Redirected page to Mathematica in Physics Classes and Student Research at a Science High School (영재고의 물리수업과 학생연구에서 매스매티카 활용)) Tag: New redirect
- 10:00, 6 October 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page WLC2023/도현진 (Redirected page to Mathematica in Physics Classes and Student Research at a Science High School (영재고의 물리수업과 학생연구에서 매스매티카 활용)) Tag: New redirect
- 09:58, 6 October 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page Mathematica in Physics Classes and Student Research at a Science High School (영재고의 물리수업과 학생연구에서 매스매티카 활용) (Created page with "<strong>도현진, 이헌채 (서울과학고)</strong> 서울과학고등학교는 학생을 대상으로 Mathematica 수업을 개설하였으며, 교원학습공동체를 통해 교사들에게도 이를 위한 연수 프로그램을 제공하고 있습니다. 현재는 물리 수업 중심으로 수업에 활용하고 있으며, 물리학의 핵심 공식과 수식을 시각화하고 이를 시뮬레이션하여 학생들의 물리에 대한 이해를 돕고 있습...")
- 09:57, 6 October 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page WLC2023/정영주 (Redirected page to Approximation Methods in Mathematical Physics Using the Add-on Package MathSymbolica (Add-on 패키지 MathSymbolica를 이용한 수리물리학에서의 근사식 계산)) Tag: New redirect
- 09:55, 6 October 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page Approximation Methods in Mathematical Physics Using the Add-on Package MathSymbolica (Add-on 패키지 MathSymbolica를 이용한 수리물리학에서의 근사식 계산) (Created page with "<strong>Youngjoo Chung (GIST)</strong> MathSymbolica is an add-on package that facilitates symbolic computation in Mathematica. It contains over 1,100 functions for notation, manipulation and evaluation of various mathematical expressions. It has several features for compactness and versatility to handle complex problems that are not directly solvable with the built-in Mathematica kernel functions. This presentation will discuss the key features of the package and its a...")
- 09:54, 6 October 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page WLC2023/정희석 (Redirected page to Symbolic Computation in Particle Physics (Mathematica® 이용한 입자물리학 기호계산)) Tag: New redirect
- 09:53, 6 October 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page Symbolic Computation in Particle Physics (Mathematica® 이용한 입자물리학 기호계산) (Created page with "<strong>Hee Sok Chung (Korea University)</strong> In this talk I review applications of Mathematica in theoretical particle physics research. Typical examples include generation of Feynman diagrams, automated analytical calculations using symbolic computation, and asymptotic expansions of integrals. 입자물리학 이론 연구에서 Mathematica의 활용에 대해 다룬다. 대표적으로 Feynman diagram의 자동 생성, 기호 계산 기능을 이용한 자동화...")
- 09:48, 6 October 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page WLC2023/김영욱 (Redirected page to Time Series Analysis (울프램 언어를 활용한 시계열데이터와 일목균형표)) Tag: New redirect
- 09:47, 6 October 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page Time Series Analysis (울프램 언어를 활용한 시계열데이터와 일목균형표) (Created page with "<strong>김영욱 (고려대)</strong> We describe one example of the practical and educational utility of Mathematica. In the field of finance, various technical indicators are used for stock price analysis. This is one example of applying the theory of time series. People, who are not experts in time series, may face various problems dealing with time series. We examine the educational significance of resolving such problems through the use of Mathematica. Mathematic...")
- 09:44, 6 October 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page WLC2023/김세기 (Redirected page to Option Pricing and Neural Networks in Artificial Intelligence (옵션 가격 결정과 신경망)) Tag: New redirect
- 09:43, 6 October 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page Option Pricing and Neural Networks in Artificial Intelligence (옵션 가격 결정과 신경망) (Created page with "<strong>Seki Kim (Sungkyunkwan University)</strong> In the era of artificial intelligence, the use of neural networks to estimate the value of options for financial assets and instruments is no longer the exclusive domain of a few experts. Many researchers are now using it for the robustness of option pricing. In this talk, various methods with Mathematica are being attempted, including applying neural network models to financial mathematical option models such as Black...")
- 09:39, 6 October 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page WLC2023/Pasha, F (Redirected page to Back to School with AI tools and Wolfram) Tag: New redirect
- 09:39, 6 October 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page Back to School with AI tools and Wolfram (Created page with "With advances in generative AI and new chat-enabled notebooks, the available set of AI educational tools has greatly expanded. How can you best use these new tools to enable learning? This session demystifies the technology behind generative AI in order to ground the conversation and explore how new tools create new opportunities for educators and students. We will look at new workflows and share practical tips for working in chat-enabled Wolfram Notebooks. Category:W...")
- 09:32, 6 October 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page Quantum Machine Learning (양자 기계 학습) (Created page with "<strong>최만수 (고려대학교 물리학과)</strong> 양자 기계 학습은 양자 알고리즘을 기계 학습 프로그램 내에 통합하는 것을 말한다. 가장 일반적인 형태는 양자 향상된 기계 학습으로, 고전 데이터 분석을 위한 기계 학습 알고리즘을 양자 컴퓨터에서 실행하게 된다. 기계 학습 알고리즘은 흔히 방대한 양의 데이터를 계산하는 데 사용되지만, 양자 기계 학습은 계...")
- 09:11, 6 October 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page WLC2023/문은국 (Redirected page to Identification of exotic carriers in highly entangled Mott insulators) Tag: New redirect
- 09:10, 6 October 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page File:Moon-EG.jpg (WLC2023/문은국)
- 09:10, 6 October 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs uploaded File:Moon-EG.jpg (WLC2023/문은국)
- 09:05, 6 October 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page Identification of exotic carriers in highly entangled Mott insulators (Created page with "Mott insulators may host highly entangled quantum many-body states, including quantum spin liquids. In this talk. we show that topological phase transitions may be utilized to identify Kitaev quantum spin liquids by tuning electric and magnetic fields [1-5]. We show that specific directions of magnetic fields may give gapless Majorana fermion excitations, constrained by the lattice symmetry. Furthermore, we also consider electric field effects and find that topological p...")
- 09:54, 26 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs deleted page File:Mahnsoo Choi-1.jpg (Deleted old revision 20230917070833!Mahnsoo_Choi-1.jpg: Too old.)
- 09:52, 26 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page WLC2023/최만수 (Created page with "Mahn-Soo Choi is a Professor of Physics at Korea University and the director of the [ Center for Quantum Sapient Workforce]. He studied at POSTECH and acquired his PhD in theoretical physics in 1998. After a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Basel in Switzerland and a research fellowship at Korea Institute for Advanced Study, he joined the Faculty of Physics at Korea University in 2002. He started his research career in condensed mat...")
- 01:49, 26 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page File:LogoWolfram.png (WLC2023)
- 01:49, 26 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs uploaded File:LogoWolfram.png (WLC2023)
- 01:45, 26 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page File:LogoQWC2.png ([ 고려대학교(주관) 양자대학원])
- 01:45, 26 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs uploaded File:LogoQWC2.png ([ 고려대학교(주관) 양자대학원])
- 01:38, 26 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs protected WLC2023/참가신청 [Edit=Allow only users with "board" permission] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only users with "board" permission] (indefinite) (hist)
- 01:25, 26 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs protected File:WLC2023-Poster.jpg [Edit=Allow only users with "board" permission] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only users with "board" permission] (indefinite) [Upload=Allow only users with "board" permission] (indefinite) (hist)
- 01:25, 26 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page File:WLC2023-Poster.jpg (WLC2023)
- 01:25, 26 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs uploaded File:WLC2023-Poster.jpg (WLC2023)
- 04:18, 25 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs removed protection from WLC2023 (hist)
- 04:17, 25 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs protected WLC2023 [Edit=Allow only autoconfirmed users] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only autoconfirmed users] (indefinite) (hist)
- 04:16, 25 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs removed protection from WLC2023 (hist)
- 00:20, 25 September 2023 User account Wonny talk contribs was created by Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs (Dahan Tech)
- 06:50, 22 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:LogoDahanTech.png
- 04:42, 18 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs uploaded a new version of File:MathematicaDemonstrations-1.jpg
- 04:35, 18 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page File:MathematicaDemonstrations-1.jpg (WLC2023)
- 04:35, 18 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs uploaded File:MathematicaDemonstrations-1.jpg (WLC2023)
- 09:46, 17 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page File:LogoQWC.png ([ 고려대학교(주관) 양자대학권])
- 09:46, 17 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs uploaded File:LogoQWC.png ([ 고려대학교(주관) 양자대학권])
- 09:43, 17 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page File:LogoDahanTech.png ([ (주)다한테크])
- 09:43, 17 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs uploaded File:LogoDahanTech.png ([ (주)다한테크])
- 09:31, 17 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs protected MediaWiki:Sidebar [Edit=Allow only administrators] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only administrators] (indefinite) (hist)
- 09:30, 17 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs changed protection settings for MediaWiki:Sidebar/Category:WLC2023 [Edit=Allow only administrators] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only administrators] (indefinite) (hist)
- 09:27, 17 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs protected MediaWiki:Banner/WLC2023 [Edit=Allow only administrators] (indefinite) [Move=Allow only administrators] (indefinite) (hist)
- 08:53, 17 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page Template:Summary (Created page with "<div class="alert alert-secondary" style="width:400px;"> <div class="alert-heading">'''{{{1}}}'''</div> <hr/> <div class="mb-0">{{{2}}}</div> </div>")
- 07:51, 17 September 2023 Mahnsoo.choi talk contribs created page Category:Hidden categories (Created page with "The hidden categories on this site.")