- PostDoc. Researcher, California NanoSystems Institute, UC, Santa Barbara (USA)
- Ph.D. Physics, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA
- M.S. Physics, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
- B.S. Physics Education and Electrical Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
Joon Sue Lee joined the Palmstrom group in 2015 as a postdoctoral researcher. He received his Ph.D in Physics from the Pennsylvania State University. His research interests include the interplay between spin-orbit coupling, symmetry, magnetism, and superconductivity in low-dimensional semiconductors and quantum materials. He has worked on molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) synthesis and structural, magnetic, superconducting characterization of semiconductor and topological insulator nanostructures; fabrication of mesoscopic and nanoscale devices; high-magnetic-field electrical transport at cryogenic temperatures.