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[[File:Prof_An.png|thumb|right|Professor NGUYEN Ba An]]

1. Full name :                  NGUYEN BA AN
Nguyen Ba An is Professor at Thang Long Institute of Mathematics and Applied Sciences (TIMAS), Thang Long University (TLU), Hanoi, Vietnam and Professor at Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST), Hanoi, Vietnam. He is also a trustee of Asia Pacific Center of Theoretical Physics (APCTP), Pohang, Korea. From 2002 to 2005 he was Professor at School of Computational Sciences, Korea Institute for Advanced Studies (KIAS), Seoul, Korea.  
2. Nationality :                    Vietnamese
3. Email:              
Prof. An received his B.Sc. from Azerbaijan State University, Baku, Azerbaijan (former USSR) in 1975 and his Ph.D. from Institute of Physics, VAST, in 1983.  
4. Education :
·      1975: B.Sc., Azerbaijan State University, Baku  (former USSR).
His research interests include quantum information/quantum computation, quantum optics (nonclassical phenomena), nonlinear optics (multimode laser dynamics), and condensed matter (electronic & optical properties of organic/inorganic heterostructures).
·      1983: Ph.D., Institute of Physics, Hanoi, Vietnam.
5. Scientific employment :
In 2014, he was one of the two first awardees of Ta Quang Buu prize (the most prestigious prize in science in Vietnam). The full list of his publications is available [ here].
·      1975 - 2017: Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST), Hanoi, Vietnam.
·      2017 -  : Thang Long Institute of Mathematics and Applied Sciences (TIMAS), Thang Long University (TLU), Hanoi,Vietnam
6. Fields of research :
·      Quantum information and quantum computation
·      Quantum optics: Nonclassical states/phenomena
·      Nonlinear optics: Multimode laser dynamics
·      Condensed matter: Electronic & optical properties of organic/inorganic heterostructures.
[[Category:Condensed Matter Speakers]]
7. Publication : see Publication List below
          (see also
          or )
8. International Cooperation:
·      1991-1996 (short-term visits): AS ICTP Regular Associate, Trieste, Italy.
·      1998-2001 (short-term visits): APCTP Regular Fellow, Seoul, Korea.
·      1998-2003 (short-term visits): AS ICTP Senior Associate, Trieste, Italy.
·      1992 (3 months): DAAD Fellowship, Institut fur Theoretische Physik, Universitat Frankfurt/M, Germany.
·      1992-1999 (3 months per year): Regular Visiting Professor, Optique Nonlineaire Theorique, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium.
·      1992-1993 (1 year): Visiting Professor, International Center of Condensed Matter Physics, Brasilia, Brazil.
·      1994 (3 months): Stuttgart Max-Plank Institute of Solid State Physics Research Award, Institute for Theoretical Physics and Sygenetics, University of  Stuttgart, Germany.
·      1994-1995 (11 months): JSPS Invitation Fellowship, Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo, Japan.
·      2001 (4 months): Visiting Professor, National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
·      2002- 2005 (3 years): Professor, Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS), Seoul, Korea.
·      2006 (3 months): Visiting professor, Institute for Theoretical Physics I, University of  Stuttgart, Germany.
·      2006-2009 (2 months per year): KIAS Scholar, KIAS, Seoul, Korea.
·      2009-2010 (3 months per year): KOFST Brain-Pool Program Award, Inha University, Incheon, Korea.
·      2010-2016 (2 months per year): Visiting Professor, KIAS, Seoul, Korea.
9. Other Scientific Activities :
·      Visiting Lecturer on Solid State Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Nonlinear Physics, Mathematical Physics, Quantum Information, etc. at various universities.
·      NAFOSTED Scientific Committee Member in Physics (2009-2011, 2012-2014, 2015-2017)
·      Editor, Journal of Physics & Astronomy (2012 – now)
·      APCTP Board of Trustees member, Pohang, Korea (2013-2016, 2016-2019)
·      Scientific Committee Member, Type-II International Advanced Center on Physics under auspices of UNESCO (2015 – now)
·      AAPPS-DQIS Founding member from Vietnam (2016 – now)
·      Editor, Communication in Physics (2016 – now)
·      Research Group Head; Chairman, National Scientific Project "Physics of nonlinear systems in condensed matter physics" (1998); Co- Chairman, National Scientific Project "New Methods in Quantum Theories" (1999-2000); Co- Chairman, National Scientific Project "New Effects in Quantum Physics" (2001-2003);  Chairman, National Scientific Project "Theory of Quantum Information Processing " (2004-2008); Chairman, NAFOSTED Project "Theoretical Study of Quantum Information" (2009-2011); Principal Researcher, NAFOSTED Project "Nonclassical states: properties and applications to quantum information" (2012-2013), Chairman, NAFOSTED Project "Quantum Entanglement and Related Problems" (2015-2017); Chairman, NAFOSTED Project "Hybrid Approach to Quantum Information Processing" (2017-2019).
·      Thesis Supervision:
-      M.Sc. degree: Truong Minh Duc (defended 1999); Ho Ngoc Phien (2007); Cao Thi Bich (defen 2012); Nung Van Don (defended 2014); Le Thanh Dat (to be defended).
-      Ph.D. degree: Nguyen Trung Dan (defended 1993); Tran Thai Hoa (defended 1997); Vo Tinh (defended 2001); Hyo Seok Yi (defended 2004); Truong Minh Duc (defended 2006); Nguyen Thi Xuan Hoai ( defended 2016)); Tran Quang Dat (to be defended).
·      Referee of physics journals such as Phys. Rev. A/B/E, Physica A, Phys. Lett. A, Opt. Commun., J. Phys. A/B, Eur. Phys. J. D, Mod. Phys. Lett. B, Intern. J. Mod. Phys. B, Int. J. Quant. Info., Int. J. Net. Sec., Quant. Inf. Process., Int. J. Theor. Phys., J. Kor. Phys. Soc., etc.
·      International Scientific Conferences/Workshops Attended (some with oral/invited talks):
-      1982: Spring Colleges in Condensed Matter Physics, ICTP, Trieste (Italy).
-      1986: Adriatico Conf. on Quantum Chaos, ICTP, Trieste (Italy).
-      1988: Int. Conf. on Optical Nonlinearity and Bistability of Semiconductors, Berlin (Germany).
-      1990: Research Workshops on Condensed Matter Physics, ICTP, Trieste (Italy).
-      1991: Int. Workshop "Dynamics Days", Berlin (Germany).
-      1993: XVI All-Brazil Meeting on Condensed Matter Physics, Caxambu (Brazil).
-      1994: CLEO/Europe EQEC'94, Amsterdam (The Netherlands).
-      1995: Workshop on Nonlinearity: Noise in Nonlinear Systems; Adriatico Research Conference on Randomness, Stochasticity and Noise, ICTP, Trieste (Italy).
-      1996: CLEO/Europe EQEC'96, Hamburg (Germany).
-      2000: VIII Asia Pacific Physics Conference, Taipei (Taiwan).
-      2002: Workshop on Quantum Information and Quantum Computation; Workshop on Entanglement at the Nanoscale, ICTP, Trieste (Italy).
-      2003 I KIAS-KAIST Workshop in Quantum Information Science, Seoul (Korea).
-      2004: Director of the National Scientific Project "Physics of nonlinear systems in condensed matter physics" (1998); APCTP-KIAS Workshop on Quantum & Classical Noise in Mesoscopic Systems, Pohang (Korea)
-      2005: Gordon Research Conference on Quantum Information Sciences, Ventura, California (USA).
-      2006: The 14 th KIAS-APCTP Workshop on Nanoscale & Masoscopic Systems, “Spin Hall Effect”, Seoul (Korea);  2nd Asia-Pacific Conf. on  Quantum Information Science,  Seoul (Korea).
-      2007: KIAS-KAIST Workshop in Quantum Information Science, Seoul (Korea).
-      2008: Asia Quantum Information Science Conference (AQIS08), Seoul (Korea). 2010: KIAS Workshop in Quantum Information Sciences, Seoul (Korea); The 9Th Asian Intern. Seminar on Atomic and Molecular Physics (AISAMP 9), Seoul (Korea).
-      2011: Asian Institutes for Advanced Study Forum (AIASF): Future of Basic Science in Asia, KIAS, Seoul (Korea).
-      2013: Asia Quantum Information Science Conference (AQIS13), Chennal (India).
-      2013: International Workshop on ADS with Thorium, KIAS, Seoul (Korea).
-      2014: Open KIAS School & QUC Workshop on Quantum Information Science, KIAS, Seoul (Korea)
-      2015: Asia Quantum Information Science Conference (AQIS15), KIAS, Seoul (Korea)
10. Honor: 2014’s Ta Quang Buu Prize

Latest revision as of 07:28, 3 April 2019

Professor NGUYEN Ba An

Nguyen Ba An is Professor at Thang Long Institute of Mathematics and Applied Sciences (TIMAS), Thang Long University (TLU), Hanoi, Vietnam and Professor at Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST), Hanoi, Vietnam. He is also a trustee of Asia Pacific Center of Theoretical Physics (APCTP), Pohang, Korea. From 2002 to 2005 he was Professor at School of Computational Sciences, Korea Institute for Advanced Studies (KIAS), Seoul, Korea.

Prof. An received his B.Sc. from Azerbaijan State University, Baku, Azerbaijan (former USSR) in 1975 and his Ph.D. from Institute of Physics, VAST, in 1983.

His research interests include quantum information/quantum computation, quantum optics (nonclassical phenomena), nonlinear optics (multimode laser dynamics), and condensed matter (electronic & optical properties of organic/inorganic heterostructures).

In 2014, he was one of the two first awardees of Ta Quang Buu prize (the most prestigious prize in science in Vietnam). The full list of his publications is available here.
