- Associate Professor of Department of Physics Education at Kongju National University
- Ph.D. Optical Sciences, The University of Arizona 2014
- M.S. Optical Sciences, The University of Arizona 2012
- M.S. Physics, Seoul National University 2009
- B.S. Physics, Seoul National University 2007
Professional Experiences
- (2015 - Current) Professor, Kongju National University, Department of Physics Education
- (2014 - 2015) Postdoctoral Research Associate, The University Arizona, College of Optical Sciences
Selected Papers
1. H. Seok and E. M. Wright, Antibunching in an optomechanical oscillator, Submitted to Phys. Rev. A (2017).
2. F. Bariani, H. Seok, S. Singh, M. Vengalattore, and P. Meystre, Atom-based coherent quantum-noise cancellation in optomechanics, Phys. Rev. A 92, 043817 (2015).
3. H. Seok, E. M. Wright, and P. Meystre, Dynamic stabilization of an optomechanical oscillator, Phys. Rev. A 90,043840 (2014).
4. H. Seok, L. F. Buchmann, E. M. Wright, and P. Meystre, Multimode strong-coupling quantum optomechanics, Phys. Rev. A 88, 063850 (2013).
5. H. Tang, L. F. Buchmann, H. Seok, and G. Li, Achieving steady-state entanglement of remote micromechanical oscillators by cascaded cavity coupling, Phys. Rev. A 87, 022318 (2013).
6. H. Seok, L. F. Buchmann, S. Singh, and P. Meystre, Optically mediated nonlinear quantum optomechanics, Phys. Rev. A 86, 063829 (2012).
7. H. Seok, L. F. Buchmann, S. Singh, S. K. Steinke, and P. Meystre, Generation of mechanical squeezing via magnetic dipoles on cantilever, Phys. Rev. A 85, 033822 (2012).
8. S. Kim, S. Yoon, H. Seok, J. Lee, and H. Jeon, Band-edge lasers based on randomly mixed photonic crystals, Opt.Express 18, 7685 (2010).
9. V. Ogay, M. Kim, H. Seok, C. Choi, K. Soh, Catecholamine-storing cells at acupuncture points of rabbits, J.Acupunct. Meridian Stud. 1, 83 (2008).