(Redirected from 최석봉)
- Seoul National University
- Department of Physics & Astronomy
- 2013~present Seoul National University, Professor
- 2008~2013 Seoul National University, Associate Professor
- 2010 한국과학기술한림원 '젊은과학자상'(대통령상) 수상
- 2004~2008 Seoul National University, Assistance Professor
- 2002~2004 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,PostDoc
- 2000~2002 KAIST, Research Assistance Professor
- 1999~2000 KAIST, Department of Physics, PostDoc
- 1995~1999 KAIST, Department of Physics, PhD
- 1993~1994 KAIST, Department of Physics, MS
- 1988~1992 KAIST, Department of Physics, BS